Chapter 2

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Just pretend that paige is me. So any kind of pictures of PCB are just me.

Trish Stratus: Girls come down I have something to tell you.

*The girls said Okay*

Trish Stratus: Girls so you know that there are bad things happening in our street. So I want you guys to have bodyguards. So each are going to have bodyguards.

Charlotte: Seriously mom. Why do we even have to have bodyguards. We could protect our self beside I'm okay not having a bodyguard.

Trish Stratus: Sorry honey but no. You need a bodyguard because there is a lot of danger in this place and I don't want you guys to be hurt. So that why I hired some bodyguards.
*Ding Dong*

Trish Stratus: I wonder who could that be. *Open the door*
Hello come in.

*The Shield came in*

Trish Stratus: Girls say hello to the Shield. They are going to be your bodyguards.

Becky: Hello. *Shake there hands*

Sabrina: Hello. *Shake there hands*

Charlotte: Ha. In my dreams like I would shake there hands.

Trish Stratus: Charlotte don't be rude.

Charlotte: Fine. *Shake there hands*

Trish Stratus: Okay well girls go get ready for school.

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