Chapter 6

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Sabrina: I can't take it anymore. When I see Finn with Cathy. I feel jealous. I can't believe he been lying to be and cheating on me behind my back. I fucking hate him. I HATE YOU FINN. *Hit the bathroom mirror hard and started bleeding*  *Crying in the bathroom*

Becky: Sis are you okay.

Charlotte: I'm really sorry sis but I don't want you to know. You know we love you right. *Saw blood on her hand and on the floor* SABRINA WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! *Worrying* 

Sabrina: I'm fine. I just broke the mirror that all. I didn't do anything bad.

Becky: We have to take you to the nurse before you faint. Come on. We will talk about everything that happen in the house alright.

Sabrina: Yea. Tha..t  sou..nd go..od. *fainted*

Becky: Oh no. She fainted. Let take her right now. She losing blood.

*Becky and Charlotte help Sabrina*

Seth: Ms. Knight are you okay.

Becky: She is fine, she just fainted.

Seth: Let's take her fast to the Nurse Office. *Seth carried Sabrina bridal styles*

*They arrived to the Nurse office*

Sabrina: Where am I. *Confused*

Becky: You are at the Nurse Office. You fainted Sabrina.

Charlotte: Yea so The Shield help you and finish business.

Sabrina: Thank you guys. But you didn't had to beat him up.

Roman: Well he hurt your feeling so.

Sabrina: Thank you Guys.

Dean: Your welcome Ms. Knight. Anything for you.

Seth: Your Welcome Ms. Knight. We will always be there for you when you need us. Anything for you.

Roman: Your welcome Ms. Knight. Any time you need us we will be there for you and your sisters.

Becky and Charlotte: Thank You.

*So Sabrina had Elastic Bandages on her hand and she will be heal about a week or days*

*The bell ring and it was time to go home*

*Sabrina couldn't be in the volleyball game but she and Becky got in the Volleyball team*

*Charlotte got in the cheerleader team. She was the captain*

*The Shield, Becky, Sabrina and Charlotte were going to the house*

*They got to the house*

Trish: So how was school girls.

Becky: Well it was great.

Trish: Why well. Did something happen in school.

Charlotte: Um......

Sabrina: No. Everything was fine and me and Becky got in the Volleyball team and Charlotte got in the cheerleader team and she is the captain.

Trish: OMG. My girls got in the Volleyball team and the cheerleader squad. I'm so proud of you girls. No wonder why Sabrina has that smile on her face and has an Elastic Bandage around her hands. Wait what happen to your hand Sabrina.

Sabrina: I had a game today and by accident I hit the ball hard and my hand was swollen and there were blood. So I had to go to the nurse. *lying*

Trish: Oh okay then. Next time sweetheart be careful. I don't want you to get hurt or to be in the hospital. Dinner is almost ready.

Becky, Sabrina and Charlotte: Okay mom.

*The Girls went upstairs while the boys are securing the doors*

Becky: Okay sis now why did you do this. 

Charlotte: Yea Sabrina. You could have died while losing a lot of blood.

Sabrina: I was just mad. I was so mad that I couldn't control myself and had to hit the mirror with my hands. I had no choice. I couldn't control it. I just want to relax right now maybe go to the pool or outside.

Becky: Well I don't know if you could go to the pool with that but I think you should just relax outside then.

Charlotte: Yea. I think you should just relax outside.

Sabrina: Yea I guess. Okay let go have fun then.

*Charlotte and Becky left Sabrina room*

Sabrina: Oh well then. I guess I just have to forget about Finn Balor then.

*Knocks on door*

Sabrina: Come in.

Seth: Hey Ms. Knight. How do you feel.

Sabrina: Oh hey Seth. I feel better. Thanks. But you don't have to call me Ms. Knight, just call me Sabrina.

Seth: Oh okay Sabrina. I'm sorry about the incident that happen with you and Finn.

Sabrina: It okay. You don't have apologies. Even though I care about Finn more than my last boyfriend that I have.

Seth: Oh. I don't want to be in your business or anything.

Sabrina: No it fine. 

Seth: Well I'm listening.

Sabrina: I had only like 2 boyfriend and it was Randy Orton and Finn Balor. Randy really care about me and gave me everything I wanted but then he left me with Sasha.

Seth: Oh wait Randy and Sasha are together. *Shocked but doesn't show it*

Sabrina: Yea they are together now and he loves her more than me.

Seth: But did Sasha tell you that she had a boyfriend.

Sabrina: Um, No actually she said that she did but they broke up.

Seth: Oh okay.

Sabrina: So then me and Finn became best friend until finally we both feel in love and became boyfriend and girlfriend. And now we are over. I don't want to see him any more. I'm done with him.

Seth: Well thank you for telling me how you feel. I hope you find someone better that will care about you and love you and will be there for you no matter what. *mumbles like me.*

Sabrina: Thank you Seth for everything. I really appreciate you listening to me.

Seth: Your welcome Sabrina. Anytime. If you need someone to console you then just call me. I will be there in a flash.

Sabrina: Thank you Seth and I will. Bye

Seth: Bye. *leave Sabrina room* OMG! Roman will not like this one. *Couldn't stop daydreaming about Sabrina*

Dean: Seth. *snaps fingers* SETH!

Seth: Yea. *Stops daydreaming*

Dean: You were thinking about her weren't you. *smirks*

Seth: No. *lies*

Dean: You are because when you lie you start to get nervous. Don't lie to me, you do like her.

Seth: Alright. I do like her and she is going to be mine pretty soon. And I have to talk to Roman about something.

To be continued...

What do you think will happen next?

What will Roman reaction be?

Seth is developing feeling for Sabrina.

Do you think Seth will tell Sabrina that he likes her.

Stay tune.

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