Chapter 11 Do you really love me?

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Sabrina pov

We came back home and I didn't talk to Seth or Leila. It been hell these past week. Seth came to my room every single time to apologize but what the point of apologising if he fucking had sex with Leila. My best friend that I trusted when I was little. We were like sister and she betrayed me. I thought he love me or did he love me. I love him so much. I wish he never did that to me.

*Dean, Roman and Seth talking private*

Dean: Dude you should talk to Sabrina.

Seth: What do you think I'm doing. I'm been begging to apologize to her and she been ignoring me 24/7.

Roman: Well you should buy her something or make it up to her. Like tell her your feeling for her or buy her some flowers and chocolate.

Seth: Yea I think I could do that.

Dean: There you go. Now will you guys excuse me. I will see my queen.

Roman: Hey don't you dare say my queen, I could only say that to Charlo- *realize what he said*

Dean: Did I hear the Big Dog said that I can't call Becks queen but you could call Charlotte queen. Tell me Roman something we don't know. *smirks*

Roman: *nervous*

Seth and Dean: *smirks*

Roman: I didn't want to tell you guys but me and Charlotte are dating.

Dean: WHAT!

Seth: WHAT!

Dean: And you didn't tell your brothers. *fake shocked*

Roman: Stop being so dramatic Dean.

Seth: Well congratulation brother. *bro hug Roman*

Dean: Congratulation Bro. *bro hug Roman*

Roman: Thank you brothers.

Seth: Now let me go buy chocolates, a teddy bear and flowers for the love of my life. *left*

Roman: Wow my son is growing up so fast. *fake cries*

Dean: *laughs*

*Becky, Charlotte and Sabrina talking in private*

Becky: *knocks on the door*

Sabrina: Go away Seth I don't need you.

Charlotte: Sis open is me and Becks.

Sabrina: Is Seth with you guys.

Becky: No.

Sabrina: Okay enter.

*Saw Sabrina crying on her knees*

Becky: Are you still crying. You know you should come out of your shell and go out.

Sabrina: I don't want to.

Charlotte: Come on Sabrina. Your not just going to be here all day.

Sabrina: Yes I am. So just leave me alone.

Becky: No. Come on Sabrina please go outside at least or go for a swimm. That will calm you.

Sabrina: OMG! Fine. I will go outside and go for a swim happy.

Becky and Charlotte: Yes.

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