How we met

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3rd pov
On one stormy day Mikaela was coming home from Rene and Lacus house and was at the door of his one room apartment.

Yuu pov
I was under someones porch trying to take shelter until I heard feet taping on the porches floor.Should I go to the person or not?I thought to myself.I decided I was going to do it.I got out of my hiding place and right before the person was going to go into his house I ran up the stairs and he took notice of my existence.

Mika pov
"Meow" I stoped and looked down at the noise under me."Huh."I looked at the cat and it had black fur with huge Emerald eyes."Hey little one do you have a home?"Why am I even saying this if the cat doesn't even speak english?

The cat meowd"Im taking that as a no I guess."I picked up the cat and went inside.I closed the front door and placed him down on the couch.The cat looked very skinny so I went to the frige and got some food.

Yuu pov

This guy is very nice I hope he can be my owner"

So thats it for todayyy.

-Aurther chan

_Yuu is my Neko_ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora