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Today it the day. My Uncle Andrew is to be crowned.

" Uncle, Could I speak with you?"

" Of course any time. What is it? I see by your eyes your heart its heavy burdened!"

" My other Uncle has run away from the castle. I overheard one of the guards say he left to plan a way to kill me."

" My Goodness, we can't let that happen! what do you have in mind?"

" I need to leave..."

" Leave? to where?"

" I have to leave the castle, My other Uncle will be expecting me to stay here. but if I do I put you and everyone else in danger. Before you freak out. I have had a lot of fighting experience. I can defend myself."

" I see, and you have made up your mind?"


" What is the other reason for you to leave?"

" I'm sick of being a princess. I feel so trapped here. I need an Adventure!"

"I understand. you have my blessing to leave, on one condition. you need to keep your identity hidden. unless its an emergency.

" Really!! your gonna let me go!"

" Yes, you're a lot like I was. you need to be free to find out who you are! you need to leave tonight. at dark."

"Okay, I will! I'll go get ready to leave. thank you, uncle."

" where is my sister going uncle?"

" She has business to attend to. Come help me get ready to be crowned. "


" Are you ready?"

" Yes, I have what I need. Goodbye, my brother. I love you. Uncle thank you again."

" Goodbye, stay safe."

" I will. "

I have a simple outfit in with a hood to hide my face.

As I Run through the forest I can't help but think, maybe I made a mistake

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As I Run through the forest I can't help but think, maybe I made a mistake. No, I can't think like that this is what I have to do.

Three years later.

"Hey, you there! STOP"

I hear voices yelling at me. oh no! I quickly start to run. as soon as I start to run they take off after me. oh no, what do I do! I run tell I think I lost them, then I feel someone jump down onto me from a tree. I fall to the ground gasping for air, as the man holding me to the ground sits on my back.

" Master I caught the person."


I look up to see a white-haired man with three people following him. He looks fimaler. I realize that all of them have swords, crap. I muster up all my strength and shove the man who is still sitting on my back off of me. I jump up and take off. I run scared for my life. back home I didn't even think this world was so dangerous. I keep running fearing for my life when I see the man in front of me. crap they got me surrounded. I get into a fighting stance, ready to fight. I run towards the man. He quickly sidesteps my attack. Crap he is fast. I turn just in time to duck under a punch that he throws. He then throws a kick into my side. No, why there! is it possible he seen my weak point! I gasp in pain as he goes to grab me. I jump back and swing my leg at his head. but he dodges with ease. He's to fast! I Decide to run. I take off, running as fast as I can with my side aching. but with ease, he grabs me and throws me to the ground. He jumps on top of me so he is straddling me as he shoves my head into the sand. He Grabs my shoulders and flips me over. No, he is going to uncover my face. He grabs my hood and pulls it off. I look up with fear in my eyes. I expect to see a man who is greedy with lust in his eyes. but I'm met by Cat like golden eyes.

{ I can't believe this guy is so strong. I pull off their hood so I can see who I'm dealing with. when im met with fearful bright blue eyes. THE eyes of a GIRL! Noway. I decided I should try to calm her down as she looks like she might have a heart attack.}

" Its okay, I don't want to hurt you."

He spoke! His voice is sweet like honey, yet it seems like it has sass to it.

"AH, master you made it! what took so long?"

" OBI we aren't as fast as you!!"

"Right sorry! my bad"

" what did you find?"

" A girl,"

" Well then get off of her."

The black haired man jumps off me and offers me a hand to get up. I denied his hand and go to stand, but my side starts to burn. the last thing I remember was someone's arms wrapping around me. and everything went black.


Obi X Reader/ Snow white with the red hair.Where stories live. Discover now