I Got You!

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{ I look into the room and see Alicia sitting on the floor weak and scared. she is sitting there crying. I call out to her to tell her she is safe now!"

"Alicia! It's okay! it's me!"

I look up and hear the voice I have been longing to hear. I muster up all my strength and whisper... " Obi!" the next thing I know Obi Is keeling beside me with his coat already covering me up. I expect the warmth of the coat. as I look into those gorgeous golden eyes.  

" You came for me!"

" I told you I would always do my best to keep you safe."

" thank you."

Obi leans down and gently presses his lips onto mine. I miss this feeling! 

"we need to go. can you stand?"

I shake my head no.

" I'm too weak."

"Alright then, I'll do something I have been waiting to do for far too long."

with those words, Obi picks me up bridal style. I gently rest my head on his shoulder. happy to be in the arms of the one I love. For the first time in too long, I feel safe. Obi takes me up a set of stair and out into the sunlight. I have to close my eyes cause it's so bright. I slowly open my eyes and let them adjust to the bright light. when I see people that I know but they look so different. My brother and my uncle are running towards me. behind them, I see the lifeless form of my other uncle laying on the ground. Obi looks at me and smiles.  My brother runs up to me and quickly start to ask me a billion questions at once. thankfully my uncle Andrew steps in and tells him to calm down.

" Alex! Uncle Andrew! I missed you so much! thank you for helping my friend rescue me!"

"It was our pleasure! we are just thank full that you're okay."

 "I wi-"

"she'll be fine after a good meal and some rest."

" well then let's get her back home," says Zen as he walks up to the group."


"hey princess. it's good to see you again."

Obi walks away from them and to his horse, he sets me up on his saddle then jumps up behind me and puts his arms back around me. I rest my head on his shoulder and just stare at his beautiful face. my brother rides up beside us.

" so sis! are you gonna come back to Gardenia? It hasn't been the same without you"

" I don't know yet."

I feel Obi tense up at the mention of me leaving. I put a gentle hand on him as a comfort. he smiles and me and tightens his grip on me. we start to ride and I feel myself drifting off to sleep. the next thing I know is I'm fast asleep. 

  Then it happens. I wake up and I'm back in that cell. cold floor. I start calling and screaming too him. when I feel Something shaking me. I open my eyes and see Obis worried face.

" are you okay! you were shaking and calling me!"

" I'm sorry Obi it was just a bad dream. I'm okay"

" were here. Obi jumps off the horse and then puts his arm out for me. I smile and slide off the horse. he carries me into the castle. 

"Shurayuki is gonna come to look at you soon to make sure your okay. do you want me to get a bath ready?"

" yes Please!" Obi set me on the bed in my room and disappears into the bathroom. I hear running water. My brother knocks on my door and walks in. 

" Hey, sis! how do you feel?"

" much better thank you."

" good!"

" you have grown so much in four years! And your so much taller and your voice doesn't squeek anymore."

" shut up that wasn't my fault!"

 " Haha!  I know! I'm teasing you!"

" I missed you."

" I missed you too!"

" so your gonna come back with us right!"

" I-I-I don't know yet. It's a big decision. after all, my life is here now."

" so is your lover aye!'

"yes, Alex so is my love."

 " I see. well, I better go. talk to you later sis!

 "yes, you will!"

after My brother leaves I start to think, what will I do. should I go home or stay! but my thoughts are interrupted by a face inches away from mine. I snap back to reality to see Obi smiling at me with his sneaky cute smile that stole my heart. 


I'm interrupted by Soft lips on my chapped lips. I melt into the kiss and we both have to pull back in need of air. I look up into his eyes as he smiles and says.

" I have missed that!

" so did I!"


Obi X Reader/ Snow white with the red hair.Where stories live. Discover now