You Again!!

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I wake up on the cold ground. my hands are tied behind my back. all I can see is a little light coming in from a barred window. where am I? I hear Someone coming! I Try to sit up but I feel weak. so I lay there hoping for the best. A man opens the door with a plate of food. he walks toward me with a lantern in his hand. then he speaks!

" Your awake good. how do you feel?"

he kneels down, that face I hoped I would never see it again.

"What do you want Uncle Jim!"

" what can't an uncle see his niece?"

" You killed my parents!"

"Hmm, so you did know the truth."

" let me go and I'll consider letting you live!"

" haha, you really think I let you go! Ha, I have been looking for you for four years. you took everything from me."

" You didn't deserve anything. I should have killed you when I had the chance."

" well, you right about that. but Princess, Fraternizing with and ex-assassin is that really the best thing for a Princess?"

" He is a better man then you could ever be! wait, how do you know so much about me?"

" Now that is a good question. I have been following you for a while now." And when you went to Tanbarun it was perfect timing!"

"Why you-"

" now Princess words like that shouldn't come out of that beautiful mouth."

"If you want me dead why haven't you just killed me yet!"

Because I need you. when the news of your capture reaches you brothers ears he will come running to find you. then I can Kill both of you."

" I knew It your just plain evil. you won't get away with this!"

" Oh trust me, yes I will."

after that, he cuts the rope on my hands and walks away. slams the door and locks it. "Obi please hurry"

{ I watch as they carry a limp Alicia away and I try to get to her. NO Alicia! what do I do! I Look for Master but he is nowhere to be found. I can't do anything! after a few minutes the bad guy's star to retreat. I run to find Zen.


"Obi! are you alright? where is Alicia!?"

" They took her! I couldn't do anything!"

[ as I look into Obi's eyes I see tears start to form.]

"don't worry we will find her! I promise."

Time Skip!! brought to you by ME!

"Master I found her!"

" Good we move out as soon as we can. Obi, we will hand the guards you find her! Let's go"

[it's been three weeks since I last saw Alicia. We sent The information about what happened to her Uncle in her home kingdom. they will meet us at a rondayview point. we reach the point and there are many soldiers wait for us. when they realize who we are the let us pass. we enter a grove of trees and standing in the middle are two men who look like they could be royalty. we Ride up to them and Zen introduces us. I look at the younger man wait! it looks almost exactly like Alicia Except he Is a boy. the older man introduces himself and The king of Graurdanya. the boy is her brother. we tell them our plan to rescue her. he decides that he doesn't like me being the one to rescue her...}

" I don't think that man should be the one to save my sister! he seems to be a little shady to me.

"Alex I don't think the Prince of Clarence would have a shady man in his aids. Please forgive him."

"It's alright. But Obi it the most athletic person I know. and he has the stealth of a cat. he can sneak in and out before anyone knows."

" well, then Prince Zen lets go get my niece back."

{With those words we mount onto our horses I'm stuck riding Beside the boy they call Alex.}

" I don't see what's so special about you. I should be the one going in to get her. she is my sister after all. whats she to you?"

"She is special to me to your highness."

{after that we ride on in silence till we reach the place. I jump off my horse and Run through the trees I come up on the back of the camp. Now I wait. I wait till I see them coming. They call out and the men draw their swords. they charge the group. I wait till I see her uncle come running out. now, I jump down and run to the entrance of the cave. I run Into the cave and start following a well-lit passage.}

I hear more commotion than normal. I wonder what's going on. I don't know how long I have been here. Long enough that I feel So weak I can hardly stand. and I long for the sun. I haven't lost hope though. I know Obi will come for me. the next thing I know is I hear someone at the door! No, not my uncle again!

{ I reach a well-built door. this has to be the way to her! I get ready to kick down the door when I hear small sobs coming from the other side! She Is here! I run at the door and with all my strength I knock it down. it smashes to the ground and I see.}

I hear someone coming. I can't hold back my tears and start to quietly cry. when the next thing I know it someone throws there body into the door. the door falls to the ground and My eyes try to ageist to the new amount of light when I hear..."

Obi X Reader/ Snow white with the red hair.Where stories live. Discover now