The Truth...

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" Alicia, we need to talk."

"what is it Zen?"

"So I sent a message to your Uncle."

"WHAT!! you're lying. you can't know who my Uncle is!"

" IM not Princess. I had a suspicion when I met you. so I had my brother look into it and he found out the truth.

" " what are you gonna do now that you know the truth?"

" well first of, why did you lie."

" My uncle made me promise that I would never tell anyone."

"I see, well you have two choices you can leave go wherever you like. or you can stay and become a assistance. perhaps a messenger?"

" Isn't Obi your Messenger?"

" yes he is but as a Princes I can never have too many people around me. So what do you say."

" Well, Sure why not. but are you sure its okay if I'm a Princess."

" I am sure it is fine."

" your first mission will be with Obi. so if you could fect him for me."

" Of course I can."

I run down the path trying to find Obi, It then hits me, literally hit me. A small rock hits my check. I look up to where the rock came from. it came from that tree! I quckly run up to the tree and climb up. as I reach about half way I pull myself up onto the tree branch, I come face to face with the Cat eyes.

 as I reach about half way I pull myself up onto the tree branch, I come face to face with the Cat eyes

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" Obi! what are you doing?"

" Having a nap. what are you doing?"

"looking for you. Zen wants you"

" I see, well then let's go."

I watch as Obi Leans in towards me. what is he doing!! I feel my face start to heat up. what is happening? Obi then quickly jumps off the tree and lands perfectly."

" are you coming, Miss?"

"Umm, ya I go to follow Obis lead, but my shirt caught on the tree and I Lose my balance."

"Ahh, Obi!

without thinking I call out Obis name. I feel the tree branches hitting my skin. I'm about to hit the ground. but I feel arms caught me and hold me bridal style."

" OBI. I'm sorry. I'm not usually this clumsy."

" are you alright?"

"yes, I think so."

Obi gently set me down on the ground.

"We should go Master won't be happy if we are late."

" Yes, we should."

{as we walk along I feel like I want to touch her again. wait what am I thinking! I don't believe this! could I be falling in love with her? It would never work, she is a Princess, and I'm just an ex-assassin.}

"And what took you so long?"

" sorry, Zen I had a little trouble finding Obi. He was napping in a tree."

" Obi you shouldn't nap in the trees"

" Sorry Master.

" Now I need you and Alicia to go and do some scouting."

" scouting what?

" There are some bandits causing trouble over on the southern border. Do you think you can handle it?"

"Of course we can!"

"Alicia will you be ready by sunset?"

" Yes,"

" I'll meet you at the gate. don't be late."

"I will be right on time"

"good see you then"

I walk away from Obi. as I walk away I feel a Small sharp pain in my chest. what is this? I get to my room and decide to take a small nap. I lay down On my bed and slowly drift into my dreams.

Alicia, what is going on with you? why have you been ignoring me?

Because I am mad at you. why did you leave me there!

I didn't have A CHOICE! it's your fault!

Mine! how dare you! I thought that you cared about me!

Care for you! why would I care about you! you mean nothing to me!

NO Please Obi don't say that!

Because you're worthless!


" Alicia! Wake up!


"Alicia, are you okay?"

I open my eyes to see a very worried Obi sitting on the edge of my bed, with his hand on my shoulder and his other hand on my leg.

{ on my way to the front gate as I passed Alicia room I hear screaming! I Run to the door and open it, It's unlocked! I rush in and see Her laying on her Bed screaming in her sleep. I rush to her side and start shaking her to try and wake her up. She jumps up and looks at me with tears in her eyes.}


" What's wrong? did something happen?"

I look into Obi's eyes and I can't stop the tears. I threw myself into his arms, as I cry. I can't stop shaking, that dream, what was that all about.

" what happened? are you okay?"

"I'm sorry, It was just a dream."

It's almost sunset we need to go.

Hope you enjoyed. stay tuned...

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