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Its been a few days since I was brought back to the castle. I have never been happier. Right now I'm walking in the garden with my uncle. Meaning I finally pride off my pet cat/ Obi he won't let me out of his sight. thankfully Zen needed him.

" So Alicia, that cat-like boy. he loves you a lot. you should be thankful for such a man.

" Uncle!"

" what it's true! he looked so heartbroken not knowing where you were. you love him to don't you?"

"Yes, I do. he is the best thing that has ever happend to me."

" so what are you planning on doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"are you coming home or has this become your home?"

" I don't know yet. Alex really wants me to come home. but something inside of me doesn't want to leave." 

"You made quite a life here. I can see why you don't want to leave."

"Uncle, what do you suggest? I don't know what to do!"

"well I can't give you every answer but in my experience go with your heart. it might hurt for a while but, will someone like Obi that pain will heal so quickly. It's plain to see how much you love him, and he you."

"I want to choose him but what about Alex!"

" So I take it Alex didn't tell you!"

"Tell me what?"

"Alex Is engaged."

" HE IS WHAT!!!" Why didn't he tell me! wait that means he will take the throne! 

"Yes, he may be second born but he is male. and if he is married first he has every right to the throne. she is a sweet princess. you actually use to know her."

"Wait who is she!?"

" Princess Tora." your old playmate!"

"Tora! I can't believe it! when was he planning on telling me!?"

 " I truly don't know." 

' wait so if he takes over the Kingdome of Gardenia, I have to take over the Kingdom Of Carnathan."

"yes, after all, it was your mothers wish for you to take over her Kingdom."  

" I need to talk to Obi, Please excuse me, Uncle."

I can't believe this! my brother is getting married. I have the opportunity to take over my mother's kingdom!. I run down the path frantically looking for Obi. I see his favourite tree so I run over to the tree and start to climb. I reach his branch and I was right. he is sleeping on the branch.

" Obi wake up!" I yell at Obi and watch as he jumps and falls to the ground. I look down and see him staring up angerly at me.

" why did you do that." 

" I need to talk to you." I climb down the tree and stand in front of Obi.

"Obi I have the Opportunity to take over my mother's Old castle!" 

" What that's amazing! Are you gonna do it?"

" I don't know. I want to but I will have to leave Clarence."

" I think that is a big opportunity for you. I think you should do it!"

"But Obi! I would be leaving you!"

" Oh"

" DOn't worry I haven't decided anything yet." 


" I need to go speak with my brother. I'll talk to you later!" I'm about to run off when I feel a strong hand grab my wrist. it pulls me back and pushes me up against the tree. I gasp a little in surprise and look up into the worried eyes of Obi.

"You promised me you wouldn't leave me."

I gently reach up and put my hand on obis cheek. then I move it to his black hair and pull him down to my lips. we kiss, the kiss is long and passionate. my hand is locked in Obis black hair. as his hands find his way to my hips pulling me closer to his body. we break the kiss in need of air.  I look dead in his eyes.

" Ob I  won't ever leave you! but I need you to understand that sometimes I need to do what is best for my Kingdom."

" I Know, But If those lips touch anyone but mine I will kill them."

I look into Obi's eye as they burn with anger, jealousy, love, passion and Nedd for me.

"Obi trust me when I say that I will always keep these lips for you. I smile and slip out from Obi's grasp and walk away to find my brother.


Obi X Reader/ Snow white with the red hair.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora