Forever & Always!

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Fangirls prepare for your heart to explode!!

I'm walking down the path to see Shurayuki, I haven't talked to her much and I want to see how she and the baby are doing! Oh, by the way, She is seven months pregnant. her and Zen Where married right after I got back from being Kidnaped.

" Hey, Shurayuki!"

"Hey, Alicia! how are you?"

" I'm good! getting ready to move to my new castle. Zen isn't happy to have one of his aids leave."

" we are going to miss you so much! after all, you are family. having your brother marry Zen and Izans younger Sister. I'm sad that the little one inside me won't get to know you as much as it would if you lived here."

' Don't worry I'll be back as often as I can!"

" I know you, Will"

{Its time. I find my way to the Master's office. I hop up onto his window. Master, I need to talk to you. I pull out a small box as Zen comes closer to me. I hold it out for him to take it and he does. He slightly smiles.}

" So you are finally gonna ask her?"

"Yes, but only if I have your permission. after all, it would mean me leaving."

"Obi I knew this was coming. I was actually gonna send you with her if you didn't ask her before she left."

"SO... Is that a yes?"

" Yes, you idiot. now go get her."

" Thank you."

{ I hop out the window and start running to where I last saw her head.}

"So Obi Is finally gonna ask her is he Zen."

" Yes, he is. I'm proud of him"

"I do hope we are invited to the wedding.

{I see her walking towards me. as soon as she sees me she smiles and waves. I run up to her and grab her hand.}

"Alicia, will you go on a walk with me?"

" I would love to but to where?"

" you'll see"

Obi leads me down a path in the forest. we reach a clearing. I look around and then remember.

" Obi, isn't this the place we first met?"

"Yes, it is!"

" whoa, it been so long! I remember you shoving my face into the ground. and me trying to run with a deep cut in my side."

As I look around I momentarily forget about Obi. then I hear him calling my name I turn around to see Him down on one knee with the most beautiful ring in his hand. I gasp and take a step towards him and he grabs my hand>

" Alicia Lisa Roman I know you're a princess and that this might not work but I'm willing to try everything. so will you do me the honours and be my wife?"

"Obi--- Yes of course! I will!!"


with those words, Obi stand up. and as he does so, I wrap my arms around him and because he is about a foot and a half taller than me I'm lifted off the ground with my arms around his neck. laughing and giggling and he lifts me high into the air. I bring my knees to his chest. as he spings me around in circles. then he starts to lower me and I slowly slide down his torso. as soon as our heads our at the same height our lip's meet and it's like the first time we kissed except much more magical. I never want it to end, but alas it ends and He finishes letting me to the ground. I look up at his face and smile. he places his hands on my back and pulls me closer to his body.

" So I guess this is the first day of the rest of our lives?"

"I guess so! Do you think maybe I could see the ring now?"

" Of course! here!"

{ I pull out the ring and gently place it on her perfect little finger. }

I look at the ring and I gasp. it's so beautiful. its got a small blue diamond. with the words forever & always carved on the ring. I look up at Obis face once again.

"it's so beautiful. thank you!

"It was my great grandmothers."

"Obi its perfect, I love it!"

"I'm glad. I Love you!

"I Love you too."

with those words, we lean together and let our lips touch once again. this is truly the best day of my life. and the best thing about it is that I get to share it with the man I love! Isn't it funny how in our past we can have so much pain. but when we meet that one person the one who makes you feel perfect, the one who loves you for you. for your mistake for your flaws and who loves every little thing about you. all the pain of our past just vanishes. like it never existed.

OH MY GOSH!! THe FEELINGS OF WRITING THIS CHAPTER!!!! Do you guys want me to continue this story, it would be after they were married??

Make sure to tell me!!

lots of love!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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