Clarence Kingdom...

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I wake up in a bed with silk sheets. what in the world! wait!! no, they caught me! what do I do!! I go to stand, My side still burns! I quickly walk to the window.  My intent it to crawl out and escape!

" and where are you going, little Miss?" 

" what Who are you! where am I!!" 

" To answer your first question, My name is Obi. and to answer your second, you're in the Wistaria Castle. Master wants to see you. so you can come nicely or ill drag you by force. 

"Why should I come with you?"

"well because Master Kinda saved your life."

" Fine,"

" This way Miss."

As we walk I feel his eyes bower into my soul, I don't like this. I walk along silently to tired and in too much pain to try to escape. I caught a glimpse of a dark shadow in the corner. 

" We're here, Master I have the girl."

" Come in."

As we walk into the room I see the people from before. the white-haired man. a blonde girl and a green haired man.

"Welcome, I hope you feel better." 

" I'm fine, what do you want with me?"

" well, your name first."

" How can I trust you?"

" Well valid point. My name is Prince Zen Second Prince of Clarence. I welcome you."

wait the Clarence Kingdom! this cant be! they were a kingdom that lay four weeks travel away. This cant be!

" And you are?"

" Um, My name is Alicia."

" Alicia, why were you running from us?" 

" I Was scared you wanted to hurt me. I'm sorry your majesty. I'm just a traveller. I didn't know you were the Prince."

" Well, I Must admit you fight well. I think you could have done better it not for the wound on your side am I right? Please call me Zen."

"yes, your highn... Zen."

" so Tell me how did you get that wound?"

" I was Kidnapped and the man cut me there as you could probably tell."

" why were you kidnapped?"

" Well I came from a rich family and he thought he could barter me."

" I see." 

"Permission to speak?"

" Of course."

" I shouldn't be here. if you'll allow it I wish to leave.

"Permission Not granted. I'm sorry but I want you to stay here for awhile."


"You're staying and if you try to run obi will hunt you down. do you understand me?"

" Yes, sir."

Why does he want me here?

"Obi Please take our guest to the kitchen, she looks hungry."

FOOD I haven't eaten in days! Obi opens the door and I follow him.

" So Alicia, you seem to be hiding something. "

how did he know! Did Zen know too?

" What makes you think that?"

" Your couldn't look Master in the eyes, as you can't look me in the eyes now."

" That doesn't mean anything! A commoner should never look royalty in the eyes it is disrespectful."

"And how would a commoner know such things? that is very rare. usually, only this royals know that"

"I-I-I w-as well educated."

" Your lying."

how does he know that? he can read me like an open book. 

"were here. Madam, we have a hungry guest."

"Oh Obi, there is fresh bread in the cupboard. please help your self."

"thank you, here."

Obi shoves' a loaf of bread into my arms.

" eat," 

" Hey Cat Eyes, what does Zen want with me?"

" I Can't say that is not for you to know yet."

Meanwhile with Zen.

I have a strange feeling about this girl. 

"Lord Brother. I need you to look into something important for me."

"What is it Zen? 

" I need you to look into the dissaparence of Princess Alicia."

"Hmm, that is a strange request. and why?"

" I Just need a picture of the Princess."

"and you're asking me to do this because you think that you might know where the princess is."

" so you did Know. "

"yes Zen, I know what you think.


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