You've won a Mansion, Luigi.

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Crunch! Crunch! The sound of stepping on fallen leaves filled Luigi's ears as he walks down a narrow pathway, leading to the mysterious Mansion he's won. He was surrounded by trees missing their leaves, most likely dormant. Luigi looked down at the map he was given, and traced the way to the Mansion with his finger. I should be there by now. He thought to himself. A sudden strike of lighting lit up the area for a split second, which allowed Luigi to see his Mansion, in all it's glory. "Oh no!" He said to himself.

Luigi silently walked up the small staircase to the door of his Mansion. He opened it and- Creeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaakkkk! The noise suddenly filled Luigi with fright. "Mariooooooooo!" He was told Mario would be waiting their for him. But their was no sign of him. "Marioooooooooooo!" Luigi called for him again. There was no response. At this point Luigi was frightened. He decided to take a little rest in one of the chairs in front of him. Instant mistake. An Orange, phantom like creature, came out of the chair as Luigi was attempting to sit on it. It looked like... A Ghost? There's no way! "YAHHHHHHHH!" Luigi automatically yelled at the sight of a Ghost. Luigi fell on the ground with a big "THUD!" as the Ghost came drifting toward him. Luigi immediantley acted upon this situation. He started moving back, while at the same time yelling, "Marioooooooooooooooooo!" Bump! Luigi had no more room to back up. The ghost was coming closer. Was this the end of Mario and Luigi's adventures?

VRRRRRRRRRRRR! A sudden noise came from behind the ghost. It sounded like... A Vacuum? Luigi tried to get a closer look, and saw a small man with glasses and a lab coat on. On his back was what looked liked a vacuum attached to a backpack. Luigi didn't know who he was, or what his purpose is, but he saved him, and that's what matters.

Luigi's MansionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin