Luigi's First Catch

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Luigi walked off into the dark calling out,"Mariooooooooooooo!" He took out his flashlight and turned it on. Click! "Yahhhhhhhhhh!" He screamed at the sight in front of him. It was just a old suit of armor. (Gotcha.) Luigi calmed down a bit after he found out it was an old suit of Knights Armor. He started along the path again, this time meeting up with a door. He tried to open the right one, but it was locked. He tried to open the left one but, it was locked as well. Luigi decided it was time for some exploring.

Luigi looked around for a while until meeting with the door to his right, which he opened. He walked through still calling out, "Mario?" He looked at his surroundings- not much. Just a couple dressers and cabinets. But what was INSIDE is what matters. Luigi peeked under the rug in the room, and gold coins started popping out! They looked a little different than the coins him and Mario collected. But, he still took it. He opened one of the drawers- nothing. He opened another drawer- Instant mistake.

A green- G-Ghost! It started drifting towards Luigi, getting closer, and closer. Oh no! Luigi thought. But he remembered... he had the Poltergust 3000! He grabbed the Poltergust, pressed the button, and started sucking up the ghost. The ghost struggled to escape, pushing and pulling, trying to get out. He was pulling on the Poltergust, and took Luigi with it. Luigi pulled harder on the Poltergust, forcing the ghost in. POP! Luigi did it. He caught a ghost! Luigi got up and looked where he caught the ghost. It seemed to drop a key. Luigi picked up the key, and walked out of the room, on his merry way.

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