Luigi and the door

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Luigi started to the door that led to the ghost inhabited room he was in. He opened the door, and faced the locked door. He stuck the key in the hole and twisted it.

Luigi turned the knob on the left door and pulled it- it wouldn't open. He tried again but with more force- it still wouldn't open! He came to the conclusion that the door wouldn't open. But Luigi had one more idea.

Luigi ran back to the end of the hallway, and began running in place. Apparently, this is a way people of the Mushroom Kingdom build up speed. It's a secret technique. Luigi started running towards the doors. He didn't know which one to target, so he went for the left one. SLAM!

Luigi hit the left door with full force- it still didn't open! He tried once again to open the left door- Creeeeeeaaaaaaaakkk! It opened. Luigi was confused. But, he continued on his exploration.

Up ahead was the foyer of the Mansion or the lobby. Nothing seemed to be to abnormal. Or so Luigi thought.

Their were a couple pots with plants growing inside them. "Marioooooooo?" Luigi called out. "Hahahahaha!" A phantom like voice sounded off. " W-who's th-th-there? I got a Poltergust 3000 and i'm afraid to use it! (He is afraid to use it, if you couldn't tell) He felt something touch his shoulder, and he thrusted forward, Poltergust in hand. THUMP! He landed on the ground and immediately turned around. Another g-ghost!

Luigi pushed and held down the button and the Poltergust, and sucked the ghost in. The ghost pushed and pulled, taking Luigi with it but it finally settled down and was put into the Poltergust. Luigi started up the stairs of the foyer, still frightend from the ghost from before.

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