New Moves!

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Luigi started traveling back to the door.

But he was stopped. By a ghost.

The ghost snuck behind Luigi and grabbed him! He struggled to get out, and suddenly he was launched out!

He came back down to the ground, surprised.

"Woah! Was that the Poltergust?"

Luigi remembered the situation, and started to suck up the ghost.

The ghost pushed and pulled, struggling to be released from the Poltergusts suction. Luigi finally had a grip on it and... SLAM!

He slammed the ghost to the ground!

He continued to slam the ghost to the point where he successfully caught it!

"Ho ho! This Poltergust G-00 is amazing!"


Luigi finally made it to the door, pondering on what to do.

"Do I..."

Luigi activated the jump move, which he called burst, which did nothing.

He decided to call E. Gadd.

"Yes, Luigi? You say you can't find a way through the door? Well, then use the suction shot!"

He hung up.

"Suction shot?" Luigi pulled out the vacuum piece of the Poltergust.

Suddenly, a plunger replaced the vacuum!

"Woah! This Poltergust is full of surprises!"

Luigi shot the plunger at the door, and gripped the end with the vacuum.

"Alright, here goes nothing!"

Luigi used the same slam move he used on the ghosts, and ripped the door off the doorway!

"Alright! Onward!"

Luigi headed off into the dark hallway, searching for the Poltergust 3000.

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