The Big Bad Boo!

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At least 30 minutes have passed by and Luigi hasn't encountered another ghost- yet.

When Luigi reached the top of the flight of stairs, he searched around and spotted three doors. He reached for the knob on the one closest to him- instant mistake. The door opened, but in a bad way. Luigi still had his hand clutched onto the door knob and the door pushed into the wall intentionally, colliding Luigi with the wall.

"Ouch!" Luigi yelled after the door returned to it's original state. Luigi then reached for the door next to the fake door, luckily it opened correctly.  Luigi walked into what seemed to be a bedroom. Except it was more dark and gloomy, like a depressed Waluigi owned the room. (R.I.P. Waluigi).

Luigi started to walk around the room and saw the bed! He jumped in it and decided to take a little nap.

"Mario can wait a little, can he not?" Luigi said to himself.  "Heeheeheeheeehahaha!" Luigi sprung off the bed as soon as he heard this bone chilling laugh. Then the sounder of the laugh showed it self. It was a... Ghost?

Luigi just stared at it. It looked If Mr. Staypuff from ghostbusters and marshmellow fluff had a baby. And then it rushed at Luigi! He had very little reaction time, but he lunged to the left to avoid the ghost.

Luigi then rolled again to the right, and held down the button on his Poltergust 3000. The ghost screamed and wailed as Luigi sucked it in the vacuum. It wouldn't go down!

Luigi was confused as to why it wouldn't go down into the Poltergust. He then placed the face of the vacuum above the ground and began to forcefully slamming it into the ground and pushing it in. Eventually, the ghost fully got inside the Poltergust 3000.

Luigi immediately ran out of the Waluigi bedroom and ran into the next room.

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