Letsa go get it back!

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Luigi was inside the entrance, waiting for something to happen. He decided to call up E. Gadd, and tell him there's no activity.

"Hello? Yes, Luigi? You say their is no activity? That's oddly strange... Just keep waiting and-" A ghost snatched Luigi's Virtual Boo! (Or, VB for short.)

The ghost revealed itself, wearing both the Poltergust 3000, and the VB. Luigi could still here E. Gadd on the line.

"Criminy! Luigi get the VB and my Poltergust back posthaste!"

The ghost turned the VB off, and starting drifting towards Luigi, but Luigi was geared up.

Luigi shone his flashlight at the ghost to stun it, but it did nothing.

"What? How am I supposed to-?"

Luigi looked at his plungers. He had an idea.

Luigi waited until the ghost was in sight once again, and shot a plunger at the VB on its head.

The front side of the VB was flat, so the suction shot would stick to it.

Luigi gripped the end of the plunger with his vacuum, and started pulling. The ghost struggled to keep the VB on, due to Luigi's efforts.

Luigi finally had a good enough grip, and he ripped the VB right off the ghosts head!

Luigi quickly used the burst move to jump up and grab it, successfully obtaining back the Virtual Boo.

"Ho ho! I did it!" Luigi celebrated, but then returned to the task at hand. Getting back the Poltergust 3000.

Luigi came up with a plan. He could use his goo sculptured partner, Gooigi, to distract the ghost and then he could grab the Poltergust.

The ghost came towards Luigi, and Luigi sent out Gooigi to take care of it.

"Ho ho!" Gooigi exclaimed. The ghost was surprised. Gooigi gave him a handshake.

The ghost could somehow understand Gooigi's weird language, and it sounded like they were talking about stuff.

Luigi took to the floor and started to crawl behind the two. He crept up behind the ghost, and signalled Gooigi to stun him with the light.

Gooigi took out his light and quickly stunned the ghost, and started sucking it up.

Luigi forcefully tugged at the Poltergust 3000, struggling to get it off. Gooigi finally sucked up the ghost, and the Poltergust 3000 was free!

"Thanks, Gooigi! You can come back now!"

Gooigi held a thumbs up, and slowly drifted inside the Poltergust G-00, undoing his form.

Luigi called E. Gadd to tell him the news.

"You've gotten it back? Amazing work my boy! Now, come back to the lab before anything else can happen, alright? And never leave my Poltergust out in the open again. Come over here, posthaste!"

Luigi started heading back to the lab, whistling a familiar tune.

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