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Luigi opened the door to E. Gadd's lab, and shut it behind him.

"Ah, there you are Luigi! How has it been going? Have you caught many ghosts?"

Luigi turned around and pointed to his back.

"Criminy! Where's the Poltergust 3000?"

Luigi explained the situation.

"A ghost took it, you say? Those dastardly spirits! Well if that's the case, I have two inventions for you!"

E. Cadd spun around in his chair, and pulled out something from a chest. It looked like Another Poltergust!

"This... This is the Poltergust G-00! I knew this would come in handy one day!"

Luigi looked confused, but also relieved.

"Quick! Put it on! And now, my other invention!"

E. Gadd spun in his chair once more, before pulling out a container of... Green Goo?

"Now hold still..."

E. Gadd put the tip of the container in the Poltergust G-00, and the Goo slowly made it's way into the Poltergust.

"There! How does it feel?"

Luigi moved around with the Poltergust on his back.

"A little... H-heavy..."

E. Gadd noticed Luigi struggling, and pressed a button on the Poltergust. The Goo came flying out, and formed a Luigi!

"Luigi, meet my latest and greatest invention, Gooigi!"

All Luigi could do was stare at Gooigi in awe, noticing how much he resembled him.

"Heh heh! He's quite the hit, eh? Now, Luigi, I need you to remember these few important things. One, Gooigi can slip through tight spaces, like grates or vents. His body is incredibly soft and malleable. It's really quite amazing! Two, Gooigi isn't even remotely waterproof! He'll disappear the moment he touches water! So be careful! Three... That's all you need to know! Now get out there and go find me my Poltergust!"

Luigi opened the door to the lab. He looked back at E. Gadd and nodded.

"This... Is going to be rough."

Luigi's Mansionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن