First Mission Success!

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Back at the lab...

"Luigi! You did it my boy! You got the Poltergust back! Nice work!"

Awkward silence then filled the room as Luigi twiddled his thumbs.

"Y'know Luigi... That was all just a test."

"WHATTTT?!" Luigi yelled.

"Pipe down boy! I'll explain it to you. You see, before you got here, I actually made good friends with some of the ghosts. It turns out not all of them are evil! Anyway, I asked one of these ghosts to steal the Poltergust 3000 and the VB, so you could use all the new functions that the Poltergust G-00 has to offer!"

Luigi sat in silence. He couldn't get a word to come out.

"Bu-, Wh-, How?!" Luigi asked.

"Don't question it lad! Just accept it. You might run into these ghosts every so often, so make sure you can tell the difference!"

"O-okay..." Luigi replied with a scratchy voice.

"Alright my boy, it's about time we actually start making progress! In order to save Mario, we must save everyone else first!" E. Gadd said, determined.

"Everyone else?" Luigi seemed confused.

"Oh, it seems I forgot to tell you. Well, it seems that King Boo was freed yet again, and now has even more immense power! Enough to control the different universes! He has captured 5 people, that you will have to save. Olimar, from the Pikmin universe. Link, from the Zelda universe, Samus, from the Metroid universe, Kirby, from the, well, the Kirby universe. And finally, Mario, from our universe. This is a tough task my boy, but I know you can do it! I've displayed the locations on your Virtual Boo map, so you can easily find them. Now go, lad! Save the universes!"

Luigi fell in silence.

"Can I take a nap first?" He asked.

"There's absolutely no time for that! Now-"

Luigi fell fast asleep, murmuring about Mario.

"Ok... But just this once." E. Gadd decided to rest too. For tomorrow marked a new challenge.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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