Chapter 2

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Wow looking back to the introduction this seems like a Jikook story but it's not I promise 😉 And I edited chapter 1 and the introduction (JUST Jimins part) I just forgot last night what my plans were for this story so I had to redo some of it, you might want to reread it to understand 😊 (only for people who read it on the 13th of october)

It was Monday, meaning one thing... It was time... To go back to School 😖😖😖
Jimin always dreaded that annoying ass sound that always woke him up at 6 am every morning, signaling that it was time to get up and go through another day at the hell hole, it wasn't so bad because he was doing what he has always wanted from life... But what WAS bad about it was the fake ass thirsty hoes that went to the University and tried to hit on him every. Damn. Day. He was glad that he was with his friends and whatnot but they just got so annoying that they're were times he contemplated leaving the University but if this is what he wants to do with his life he realised he would just have to deal with it right now.

Jimin's POV
A loud ringing woke me up, I looked on my bed half heartadly in search of my phone that plays that same damn annoying ass ringtone on it. Once I found it I slapped the screen answering the call. "Hello? Jimin? Are you there?" "Jungkook what do you want? Thanks for waking me up by the way!" I said sarcastically, "Well Hyung, today's the day I start at the University and I was wondering if you could show me around?" Upon hearing this I immediatly woke up fully, my eyes lightning up. "Of course I can, Jungkook! What classes do you have?" "I made sure to put in for the same ones as you, hyung." "Thats great! I'm glad you have something to fall back on as well." "Yeah me too, Jimin Hyung, hey shouldn't you be getting ready? It's 6:15." There was a long silence "Hyung? Are you there?" "......SHIIIITTT!!!!" I screamed waking up everyone in the house... Again. "JIMIN!!! Ow!" "Sorry Kookie, I really need to go, meet me just outside the University gates at 7 am I need to get ready, BYE!" "Bye."

3rd person POV
And with that Jimin was running around the house like a lunatic... Again!
He managed to get ready within 5 minutes (wtf, how?) and quickly ran down the stairs to see Jin cooking breakfast and Hoseok sitting at the table. "Really? You really couldn't have woke me? You were up this whole time?!" I shouted "We weren't up this whole time and we would rather not be up at this time but hey, what can you do when you have a roomate who's hobbies consist as screaming, running around and fanboying? You woke us up AGAIN with your shouting, don't get mouthy with me, boy" Jin said "Jesus, calm your fucking tea cakes Jin, I'm running late so you could have reminded me to switch on my alarm last night!" I said "Thats your job ya dumb shit and if you keep running that mouth you're gonna be even more late and make me late while you're at it, it's 6:30. Grab a slice of toast and lets go!" Jin yelled back quickly running to butter the toast and basically throw it at me and Hoseok "See you later guys" Hoseok said with a cheerful grin on his face, god how is he always so happy? I find it impossible not to give a warm smile back and wave him goodbye as me and Jin walk out the door, getting in his car and start driving to the University.

The car was full of talk, jokes and laughter as they pulled up to the University, Jimin was immediatly looking for Jungkook, "Hyung do you see him?" Jimin asks "Who?" "Jungkook silly I said he is starting University today." "No you didn't." "Oh, I thought I did maybe I was too excited and I kept it to myself." "Yeah maybe." Jin said whilst getting out of the car. "What are you waiting for? Lets go!" Jimin got out of the car quickly not wanting to waste anytime when Jimin caught a glimspe of a familiar coconut head. "JUNGKOOK!" Jimin yelled trying to get his attention. "JIMINIE!!!!!" He yelled back running up to him and engulfing him in a bear hug "Your.... Going.... To.... Squish... My..... Spleen..." Jimin panted out barely breathing "Oh shit, Sorry Hyung." Jungkook said "It's ok Kookie but Jeez what have you been eating? Your as strong as John Cena!" Jimin replied trying to get his breath back "Are you sure about that?" Jungkook saod letting out a small chuckle. "Well now that my organs are crushed, fancy going to class?" Jimin asked "Sure" Jungkook replied.

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