Chapter 4

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^^^^^^ Got to love a jealous Yoongi 😂
Trigger Warning: Abuse and Self-Harm.
Jimin's POV
My vision started to get blurry, I leant on the wall side-on, to keep my balance. I felt one last hit and I fell onto the cold, damp floor. I couldn't see anything, everything was black. I heard him say "It's your own fault for being such a useless, fat, ugly, slut." He spat on me, and thats when I completely blacked out...
I shot up, eyes wide, red and puffy, tears streaming down my chubby cheeks, hyperventilating. It was just a dream. He's right though... I'm useless, a slut... Ugly... And fat I think to myself and bringing my arms up to hide my clothed chest as if anybody were to see me. If they did they would probably feel sick to the stomach just by glancing at me. I make myself feel sick, just by looking in the mirror, hence why mines is smashed all over the floor, glass shards everywhere. I looked over... Oh so tempting... It would distract me from the mental pain... I walk over to the shards, kneeling down and picking up a sharp but blunt shard and bringing it to my wrist I cut once, twice, a third time, watching the blood flow so effortlessly from my wrist, down my hand and onto the white carpet below me, I couldn't stop, his insults kept ringing through my head, each time I remembered one, I would cut myself once, at this rate if I keep remembering his insults, there will be no where left to cut. I let out a loud sob, before passing out, I hear someone opening my door and running over to me "JIMIN?!!!!" "JIN!" It was Hoseok...
Hoseok's POV
I was scrolling through Tumblr on my phone when I heard a loud sob coming from Jimin's room, he's probably having another nightmare. I walked to his room stopping when I heard a stomach churning, pain filled sob... Shit... Shit.... SHIT!!! I rush into the room and saw Jimin passed out beside his mirror, right arm FULL of cuts and his left hand gripping a shard of glass so hard it had cut his through the skin of his hand. "JIMIN?!" I ran to him and picked him up bridal style and lay him on his bed, my whole body was shaking, I didn't know what to do, I could feel the tears flooding my eyes before falling effortlessy, getting my shirt wet but right now I didn't care about that, it wasn't exactly on the top of my priority list. "JIN!!!!" I yelled
Jin's POV
I heard Hoseok yell my name and hearing that it came from Jimin's room I knew it couldn't be good. I shot up from my spot on the couch, bolting up the stairs faster than the raps that come out of Agust D's mouth. "WHAT?!" I scream running to Jimins door but the floor was slippery (they have tiles in their hallway not carpet don't ask why) so I slid and it resulted in me banging into the wall beside the door "OW!" "Jin! I don't need to have to take two people to the hospital! "WHAT?! HOSPITAL?!" I yell running through the door to see the state he was in It was horrible. I felt my heart shattering just looking at it. I could feel the tears starting to spill from my eyes that I hadn't know had been building up. I rushed to his side grabbing the first aid kit that was just inside his bathroom on the way. "Hoseok we need an ambulance! It's NEVER been this bad! He's losing blood too fast!" Hoseok looked up at me... Our facial expressions matched distraught, heartbroken, tears streaming, eyes wide with sick and worry, hurt and so much more. He nodded quickly, bringing his phone out with a shaky hand and dialing 999, I tried to clean the cuts, but it was no use the blood just kept coming. Hoseok said the ambulance would be 5 minutes and I didn't know if he was going to make it, his face was drained of colour, getting paler by the second, body going cold, pulse barely there and heart was close to not beating at all until... It just... Stopped.
A little climatic chapter... I will try and get the new chapter out tonight as well, I was going to make this one a REALLY long one but... I like my cliffhangers. The next chapter is going to be a really long chapter 😊 If I can't get it out tonight then I will publish 2 Tomorrow. Also I made an Instagram account for this story as well as a snapchat account feel free to add and message me on either! 💜💜💜💜
Snapchat: igfstoryupdates
Instagram: you_can_catch_these_jams
Byeee Love You! 💜

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