Chapter 10 - Hangovers, Amnesia and...Kisses?

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...... Well... It's been a while YET AGAIN... I'm sorrrrryyy things are really hard rn and I know thats not an excuse but it's a lot when things are hard to be writing this on top of this. I'm NOT taking a break though. I want to get through this and still be able to write so I hope you enjoy this chapter💜~~~~~~~~~~~
Jimin's POV
I woke up, head pounding, desperately trying, wanting to fall back asleep but failing miserably as the excruciating pain in my head and burning sick feeling in my stomach had other plans. I sat up slowly, to avoid any more dizziness than already present, rubbing my eyes tiredly as I feel my eyes getting heavy.
I quickly jolted right awake when I felt something move within my stomach, bolting into my bathroom to throw up.
I remembered nothing from last night but, whatever happened, probably wasn't worth a hangover as bad as this.
Slowly getting back up from kneeling over the toilet, I walked to my sink, washed my hands and brushed my teeth to get the horrible taste away before slowly, very slowly walking down the stairs trying to get to the kitchen without throwing my guts up again.

I finally got to the kitchen door after what seemed like century's walking down the stairs, almost puking with every move. I walked into the kitchen to see Jin Hyung preparing what looked to be like some sort of 'hangover soup'... Honestly I love my Hyung and how caring he is but does that shit even work?
The first time he noticed my presence was when he quickly spun around and he almost jumped out of his skin, almost
"Jesus, Jimin! You scared the non existent ugliness out of me!"
I rolled my eyes
"Sorry Hyung! I forgot how quiet I could be."
"It's okay, how are you feeling?"
"Shit, I'm pretty sure that Namjoon Hyung's cooking looks better than me right now."
Jin chuckled and handed me a bottle of water he got from the fridge a mere 3 seconds ago.
"I mean... To be honest you ain't wrong there. Do you want to go watch TV or something until I'm done? It gets hot in this kitchen when I'm cooki----- Oh... Wait... Nevermind, it's just because I'm here." He said "flicking" his hair back and smirking.
"Yeah, ok, I better go before it gets any colder in here, I'm absolutely freezing."
I said snickering to myself, rubbing my arms as if I'm cold and then rubbing my temples, trying to ease the pain away as I walked out the kitchen to hear Jin yell that I'm a brat.
I made my way into the living room to see Jungkook sleeping on the couch wrapped in blankets, looking like a human, oversized burrito.
"Jin Hyung?! Why is there a strange, passed out, lost little boy on our couch?!" I shouted towards the kitchen still not taking my eyes off him, trying not to wake up the cute, sleeping bunny-like boy. (I ain't even sorry)
"He dropped you off last night! And who the hell are you calling little?! YOU'RE THE SAME SIZE AS MY UGLINESS; ZERO FOOT ZERO!!!"
We quickly shut our selves up as all of the shouting seemed to wake up a very confused and hungover Jungkook.
".......What?....... Wha m I doin here?" He said in his deep, raspy morning voice (😍😂) and slurred words because of the fact that he had just woken up and was very confused. (Same Jungkook, same)
"Apparently you dropped me off last night after the party, sorry I was probably really out of my face drunk." I said.
"Wouldn't surprise me if you were." Jungkook chuckled, sitting up and nodding to himself thinking about how that might look, big doe eyes wandering around the room, taking in his surroundings.
I punched his arm playfully, not too hard but enough to leave a mark and he dramatically grabbed it as if I had shot him or something and started calling out for Jin.
"HYUNNGGGGG?!!!!!!! JIMIN-HYUNG HIT ME!" He yelled loud, too loud for my already pounding headache.
"YAH, SHUT UP! MY HEAD IS KILLING ME AS IT IS?!" I yelled back, close to his ear to make it even louder.
Jin came out of the kitchen with 2 water bottles, one of them being mines, in one hand and spatula at the ready in the other.
"Oh, shit." me and Jungkook muttered in unison.
"DID I JUST HEAR YOU BOTH CURSE?!" He threw the water bottles on the couch next to Jungkook and he jumped to his feet, keeping his eyes locked onto the floor.
Jin started taking his slipper off, still with the spatula in his other hand.
"Wait, Hyung please... You don't have to do this." Jungkook pleaded putting his hands out in front of him, somewhat protecting himself for whatever was to come.
"Too late for that now." Jin said raising both hands, pointing the slipper at Jungkook and the spatula at me.
"NO PLEA----"
His sentence was cut short when Jin-Hyung started hitting us on the arm, head, butt, everywhere was hit... Literally EVERYWHERE. When he was done Jungkook collapsed back onto the couch, bruises up and down his arms and legs, sweat clinging to his forehead, I couldn't help but laugh.
"Quit laughing Hyung! You have no room to say or do anything when you look like you've been attacked by wolverine." He said pointing to my arms which had red marks in lines of three which were symmetrical to the three oval shaped holes that were in the middle of the rather large the spatula (if you know what a fish slice is, it's that kind of spatula, the one with 3 holes in the middle.)
"Shut up you got hit with a slipper, a fluffy pink one at that too, I got hit with a metal spatula and look who's the one crying and sweating his ass off... Hm?" I said teasingly still laughing quietly too myself.
He scowled at me "threateningly" which only made me laugh even harder and louder.
This time it was Jungkook's turn to laugh... Hysterically, so much so that ended up rolling about the floor, clutching his stomach and struggling to breathe.
When his laughter finally reduced to a fit of giggles, he managed to sit back up on the couch letting the occasional 'ow', still latching onto his stomach.
"Oh shut it, bunny boy."
His face immediately dropped to a cold, stern look.
"Oh thats it, you're getting it now." He said smirking and raising his eyebrow
"Uh-oh." I said giggling
"What are you going to do about it huh? bunny boy, bunny boy, bunny boy, bunny boy" I continued saying it whilst poking his arms and stomach.
"I swear to god Jimin if you call me that one more time you're for it." He said warning me.
I smirked and innocently started swaying from side to side (no song pun intended)
there was a short silence for a little while both our expressions never changing, waiting to see who would speak first
"............ Bunny bo---- AH!" I screamed, giggling. Jungkook hadn't let me finish what I was saying before he grabbed me and pinned me to the couch then started to tickle me mercilessly. We both couldn't stop laughing and his grip on me eventually loosened but he never stopped tickling me.
He didn't stop, if anything he only tickled me more, if even possible.
"Apologise first." He said, stopping his actions.
"Well then." He says starting again.
"OK, OK, I GIVE UP I'M SORRY!" I screamed in defeat.
He just smirked and a smug look took over his face.
"Get that grin off your face, you ass."
"Now who's the one crying and sweating his ass off?" Jungkook said, still with the smug smirk on his face.
"Ha ha you are so hilarious, shut up and I'm still your Hyung you disrespectful peace of shit."
"Ouch, Hyung, Rude."
"Yeah, you are."
"Why do you gotta hate on me like this? Do you not love me?" Jungkook said pretending to wipe tears from his eyes.
"Who would?"
"Ugh, whatever I guess I'm just gonna have to..."
"Don't you dare do it."
"I'll just have to"
"I swear to god if you say that--."
"I guess I'm just"
"I WILL kill you."
"Mmmmm blocking out dem haters." He (Jungkook) said pulling out $3 sunglasses from god knows where and putting them squint and incorrectly on his face.
"Oh boy you better start running"
As I said that Jungkook got up off the couch and started running. We circled the coffee table over and over again, both of us hitting our knees at least 4 times on each round.
We eventually gave up, sitting down on the couch. I passed him one of the water bottles.
"Thanks" He said opening it and gulping it down.
"I guess thats Hoseok up then." Jungkook said giggling, I nod my head, agreeing with him.
Hoseok's POV
I was woken up by the ruches and chaos that was happening in the next room, I groaned and rolled onto my side, pushing my pillow on top of my ears to try and minimise the noise.
Realising I wasn't going to get back to sleep anytime soon I just decided to get up even though I still have hours before I need to go to the studi-----
"FUCK, SHIT, DAMN!" I yell upon seeing the time, I WAS 2 HOURS LATE FOR THIS GOD DAMN BULLSHIT (I love Brandon Rogers) being late is one thing but turning up at the studio AFTER Yoongi is a whole other thing. He would have our heads if we were there AFTER him.

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