8: Sheryl de Von Kinz

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<< Previously

After successfully deceiving Ruiz Baztel in believing Yoru's different identity, he hung out with Yoru more frequently, which coincidentally the same day as when Shiki return home from school. Then soon, an invitation was sent to Yoru's family for a tea party with Marquess de Von Kinz's children.

Hm? isn't "de Von Kinz" the Villainous' surname?!

>> During the ride to Heavenly Kingdom

From an outsider's point of view, I may look like I'm gazing at the scenery of the travel inside the carriage, but in reality, I wanted to lie down on the seats to rest. My back is aching so much and I'm already physically and mentally fatigue before the tea party!

<< Few hours ago <<

I was woken by the sound of shouji doors slid open rather aggressively and when I forced my eyes to open, I saw horror. Mother and the three maids (I met on my first day in this world): Yumi, Saki and Uri, were smiling happily with sparkles in their eyes. Milly was behind them with her emotionless expression.

"Rise and shine my baby~ It's time to get ready!" Mother said in a gleeful singing voice.

I grabbed my blanket to use as a shield and 'tried' to shift away from them.

Oh no, I've read books about reincarnation and this is something that happens to most main characters. I should have been prepared for this torture....

We spent 4 hours of changing into variety of western dresses. I got away from wearing heavy makeup and let Milly do my natural makeup, but choosing the dress was hell. A lot of them were uncomfortable, some were too extravagant, and only few were acceptable. The most struggle were the shoes. HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO WALK IN PIN HEELS THAT ARE 4 INCH TALL?!

What do they expect from a person who originally wore flats in the old world and wore geta shoes ALMOST EVERYDAY AT HOME???

After debating with mother about the heels, we got to a deal that I get to wear 2 inch heel, but I have to stay home for a month with extra homework.

>> Present >>

The wailing appearance of my mother was stressing. she's crying over how I'll choose to be a boy after my Age of Ceremony, which is the truth. Being a girl has so much hassle and I've already experienced that in my old life. No thanks in my second life.

"Yoru, we have arrived at Heavenly Kingdom"

I opened the window and my tiredness blew away instantly. The view was breath-taking!

The clouds partially covered the mountains and the tip of the buildings and a castle. The bridges, which were made for non-flight people, were marbled and had stained glass decorations.

Suddenly the freezing gust of wind blew on my face, which I immediately yanked my head inside the carriage, rubbing my shoulder to warm myself.


Milly handed me a warm blanket to wrap around my shoulders.

"Heavenly Kingdom is built near the mountain. No matter how hot the season becomes in our kingdom, the temperature here can still drop to ice. Fortunately, the Heavenly Kingdom has built some facilities that adjust the warmth for visitors like us."

Upon arriving at the gates, we showed the guards our IDs and our invitation letter for the Tea Party. Then a different guard led our carriage to the entrance of the tea party venue. I sensed the coachman get off and the door opened. Feeling the unexpected warm temperature, I felt relieved that I didn't need to bear the freezing cold temperature throughout the whole party.

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