Chapter three

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"I'm going to miss you (y/n). It won't be the same." Joey whined. He was sat on her couch forgetting he was supposed to be helping her unpack. 

"Joe I will just be a couple of doors away. I'm not going far away." She replied as she emptied the last box. 

"Yeah but who's going to cook my breakfast  at the weekend or bake me stuff when I'm sad? Or help me rehearse? Or who is going to help you with your lines?"

"You can always come round whenever you want." (Y/n) looked around with delight. It wasn't perfect but with a bit of time it would feel like home. Sighing, she flopped next to Joey. He put an arm around her and pulled her close like he did every time he was upset. (Y/n) always felt like she belonged there. In his arms. 

(Y/n) shook her head slightly as she came out of her thoughts. 

"Hasslehoff?" Chandler looked at her. 

"What? Oh." She closed her mouth, embarrassed. "No. I wasn't." 

"I'm kidding. Hey are you alright though?" Chandler nudged her arm. 

"Yeah. No...I don't know." She sighed. 

"What's wrong? Talk to me." 

(Y/n) smiled slightly at him. She'd turned up out of the blue, uninvited and he had just welcomed her into his life. 

"I...I think I like Joey." She muttered sadly.

"You don't say?" 

"It's that obvious? Does he know?"

"Course not. It's Joey. And yeah it's obvious. Rachel pointed it out a few months after you moved in. Why don't you tell him?"

"We've been friends for so long, I just don't think it will work. Plus, he isn't into comittment and that's what I want. And I'm definitely not his type."

"Look at me and Mon. We were friends for years. And maybe it will be different with you and Joey. He knows you well and you know him and you are the only person Joey shares food with. And you know how he is about sharing food."

Before she could say anything else, Joey came running in. 

"I got it! I got the lead role in Shutter Speed!" He ran over to them . (Y/n) hugged him tightly. "Well done Joey!" 

"Yeah well done mate." 

Joey ran to tell the others. Chandler and (y/n) followed him to Monica's apartment. 

"So who is coming with me?"

Everyone came up with some excuses about work except Chandler and (y/n). 

"Okay, Phoebe can I borrow your cab?" Joey asked.

"Erm, yeah. Sure." Phoebe replied 

"Great!" Joey ran off to pack. 

(Y/n) said her goodbyes before heaving her suitcase down the stairs and putting it into Phoebe's car. She slept for a while but woke up to hear Chandler arguing with Joey. 

"I'm just saying that it might not be your big break." Chandler said calmly. 

"What so you don't think that I'm a good actor. Do you not believe in me?" Joey was beginning to get upset. 

"I do Joey, I really do. I just don't think that this is the one."

Joey pulled over. "Get out."

"What, Joey? You don't mean it?" (Y/n) cried sadly. How was Chandler supposed to get back home? 

"(Y/n) it's okay. I'm going. Keep an eye on him for me please." Chandler said to her quietly. She nodded and watched sadly as he climbed out of the car. 

She was quiet for most of the journey after that but tried to talk to Joey when she began to get bored. Maybe this was her chance to tell him. But how?

"So Joey. I have this friend who I think you'll like. She's called (name). She asked me to introduce her to you after she came to watch that show we did together a while back. She likes cooking and baking and does a bit of acting herself."

"Give me her number and I'll call her when we get to Vegas." 

(Y/n) wrote her own number, hoping Joey still couldn't remember it and handed it to him. Silently, she prayed he would realise that she was that girl. 

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