Chapter nine

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"Monica and I are making each other gifts for Valentine's Day." Chandler explained to the group after turning down Joey's suggestion about taking Monica to a spa. 

"Awe!" Replied the others. 

(Y/n) thought back to the other night. She'd spent the night in with Joey, who had made her dinner. They hadn't wanted to do too much as they'd only been together a few months. 

"Why don't you make her dinner?" Suggested (y/n). Chandler raised an eyebrow. 

"Really? Have you tasted my cooking?"

"It's not that bad." 

Phoebe tried to give Chandler a sock bunny. Joey came over to them and put his arm around (y/n). 

"I need some more headshots but I'm broke." He said and sat their trying to work out how many he had left. (Y/n) tried to offer to pay for them but Joey refused. 

"I'll do a medical experiment. I used to get experimented on all the time." 

"Well that explains a lot." Quipped Chandler. (Y/n) shot her brother a look. 

Before anyone else could speak, Gunther came over to tell Joey not to speak to his friends when he was working. Oblivious to the fact that someone was waiting for their coffee, Joey continued speaking to his friends. (Y/n) rolled her eyes at him and smiled. 

"I'd better go Joe, see you later," she said, kissing his cheek. "And don't forget to serve that man over there." 

(Y/n) jumped up, startled, as a random guy barged into her apartment. 

"How are you doin?" He asked her.

"JOEY!" she cried. Joey came hurrying into the apartment.

"Carl! That's not how you say it!" He criticised the strange man, ignoring his distressed girlfriend. "Watch, this is how you do it." Joey strolled seductively up to (y/n). "How you doin?" He said, winking at her. 

"Joey, who is that?" (Y/n) questioned him, pointing at the man. She'd just about calmed down from the shock of having a stranger walk into her apartment. 

"It's my twin, Tony." 

(Y/n) was going to tell him that he didn't have a twin but decided against it. She was too tired to ask what he was up to now. It was probably to do with a medical experiment. Instead, (y/n) left him to it and went back to learning her lines. She still couldn't believe she had got the part. It wasn't a major role but it was something. 

An hour later, (y/n) got ready to go out and meet Rachel and Phoebe at the defence class the three of them had started going to. She picked up her sports bag and left. Joey and Carl had left a while ago

On the walk back from the class, the trio excitedly discussed the new moves they had learnt. As they reached the top of the stairs, Ross jumped out on them, screaming danger, causing them to scream.  (Y/n) panicked and punched him in the face before realising who it was.

"OW! It's just me!" cried Ross. 

"What the hell was that for?" Yelled (y/n). "You scared me!" 

Ross rubbed his head. "That hurt!" 

"You deserved it." Rachel replied, laughing at what she had just witnessed. 

"It was a lesson in the importance of Unagi." Ross explained. "DANGER!" shouted Ross suddenly as Monica walked out of her apartment. She was completely unfazed by it. "See, Unagi."

"Yeah, whatever. I think (y/n) has it. She kicked your ass!" Phoebe commented as they walked away from Ross. "See you later."

They walked into (y/n)'s apartment.

"You know, I think we should get Ross back." Rachel said. Phoebe nodded in agreement.

"You two can if you'd like. I think I've done enough today to Ross today." (Y/n) replied, putting the kettle on. Rachel and Phoebe planned out what they were going to do whilst (y/n) sat and listened, giving bits of advice. 

After they had left to scare Ross, (y/n) began to make some (choice of food). Joey would probably come over for something to eat. 

Joey walked in just as she was serving it up. "Hey, have a nice day?" He asked, wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing her lips quickly. "Smells good." He said after she had replied to his question.

They sat down to eat. "So do you know what's happened to Ross? He has a massive bruise on his face."

"I may have punched him." She began to feel a little guilty. She hadn't realised she had hit him that hard. 


(Y/n) explained everything to Joey, who in the end was laughing hysterically.  

"Sounds like he deserved it." 

You're the one that I wantजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें