Chapter six

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(Y/n) clenched her fists. Janine was starting to really annoy her now. She had given up caring about what Janine said to her but being horrible to her friends was not acceptable. She slammed the door of her apartment, angry she hadn't slapped Janine right there and then. Monica and Chandler were so lovely to her and tried to make her feel really welcome. But she just complained about how she found Monica too loud and Chandler 'blah'. . If she did not like them then why was she going out with them again later that night? What did Joey see in her? 

(Y/n) sat down and put (tv program) on, her favourite, and pushed her (hair colour) hair out of her face. It had been a long day at work. Everything had seemed to go wrong and she hadn't spoken to Joey for a few days since he had gone on that program with Janine. She felt terrible about it but she couldn't stand Janine. Although she had tried to get along with her, Janine just didn't seem to like her. Fed up, she got up and went over to Monica and Chandler's apartment to wait for them. 

The door opened and Chandler walked in. 

"Hey, how was it?" (Y/n) asked, sitting up in the sofa. 


"Shush!" Hissed Monica with her ear against Joey's apartment door. "She's saying something." 

Bored, (y/n) hurried over and listened too. 

"We need to move! I can't stand them. And (y/n), she's always flirting with you and won't leave you alone. It upsets me Joey." Janine complained. Everyone on the other side of the door gasped loudly before shushing each other and listened for Joey's response. 

"Janine, they're my friends, they're like family. I can't move away from them. And (y/n) doesn't flirt with me. We are good friends and we care about each other. You can't make me choose..."

"Right, that's it!" Yelled Monica opening the door and interrupting Joey. 

(Y/n) stood there looking angry and hurt. Before Monica could attack Janine, (y/n) began to speak.

"If you cared that much about him then you would accept his friends even if you didn't like them. I have always accepted his girlfriends even though I was jealous of every single one of them."

"You were?" Asked Joey. 

"What are you doing? He's my boyfriend so leave him alone. He doesn't care about you and he never will!" Spitted Janine venomously. Monica lunged for her but Chandler held her back. 

"Janine please apologise to my friends or else I'm breaking up with you!"  

"Fine! I'm sorry Monica and Chandler, I want to get along with you because it will make Joey happy."

"I'm sorry too, I'm glad that we sorted it." Monica said stiffly before awkwardly hugging her.

"Right it's sorted. Thank you." Said Joey. 

"What about my apology?" (Y/n) questioned. 

Janine glared at her. Monica grabbed a pillow and stared threateningly at Janine. "Apologise!" She hissed. Janine looked at Joey.

"It's me or her. She clearly likes you and I'm not comfortable with that. Choose carefully!" Joey looked torn. 

"Joey, I'll go. But know that  she's right, I do care about you and I always have. I always will too. More than Janine or any of your other girlfriends. I know all your favourite things and I love your smile. You always cheer me up. And if being with Janine makes you happy then I'm happy for you." (Y/n) smiled sadly and left. 

Monica began shouting at her down the corridor. "Fight for him! Don't give up!" She sounded like a commander in the army. 

Janine smiled smugly which mage Monica angry. She began hitting Jannie with the pillow. Joey just stood and thought about what (y/n) had said. He'd always felt something for her but he was too scared too say anything because she was Chandler's sister and he didn't want to hurt her. But now he didn't care. He knew she felt the same way. He was completely oblivious the fact that Monica had chased Janine out of the apartment and down the stairs, Chandler running after them, trying to calm his girlfriend down. Joey marched down to (y/n)'s door and flung it open. Surprised, (y/n) jumped up off of the sofa and wiped her eyes. 

"Why didn't you tell me before?" He asked softly. She shrugged her shoulders and sobbed quietly. 

"Because I'm nothing like any of your other girlfriends. I'm too shy and quiet and I am not as pretty as them."

"You're the complete opposite and to me you're perfect. I love you because you aren't like any of them. I wish I had told you that sooner. I've always been afraid of commitment but you make me feel brave. I want to have a proper relationship. I want to be committed to you. You make me feel different. (Y/n) I think I love you. Genuinely." He almost whispered the last part. (Y/n) smiled before nodding in agreement. 

"I think I love you too Joey."

He wiped her tears away before planting a small kiss on her lips. 


They pulled apart and quickly looked back to see the rest of the gang huddled together and peering through the open door. 

"Let's just take things steady. I mean you did just break up with Janine. I think?" 

Janine left a couple of days later. (Y/n) felt slightly bad for her but then again Janine hated her best friends and her so it was probably for the best that she left. 

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