Chapter four

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Joey looked around in disbelief. Slowly, all the vans and lorries carrying set drove away and the crew followed behind. They had ran out of money. (Y/n) stood by the car and watched sadly as all his dreams were crushed. 

Carefully, she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"I'm sorry Joey." She whispered. 

"It's okay." He replied, forcing a small smile and wrapping his arms around her waist. 

They stayed there for a few minutes. Butterflies swarmed in (y/n)'s stomach. She felt like she belonged there but when she tried to tell him the words got stuck. 

"I'm going to go and try and earn some money to fund the film!" Joey said confidently after letting go. 

Before she could ask how, Joey was getting back in the car so (y/n) sighed and got in too. Soon they were in the centre of Las Vegas looking for the hotel they had quickly booked before leaving. (Y/n) decided to pay seeing as Joey didn't have the money to and sat in the room as Joey went to look for a job. 

"I'll pay for the room like I said I would and  get the money to fund the film." Was all he said before leaving her. Bless him, he was so sweet.

She sat staring into space for about half an hour. Suddenly, her phone began to ring. She answered. 

"How you doin?" A familiar voice answered seductively. 

"Joey?" (Y/n) suddenly remembered the plan.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing? This is supposed to be your friend's number. Did you write the wrong number?" He teased. 

(Y/n) tried to chuckle slightly. "I guess so. Silly me! See you later Joe!" Quickly she put the phone down. Of course he didn't get it. It was Joey. She was that friend but everything always had to be really obvious for Joey to work it out.

As she sat waiting for Joey to return, (y/n) tried to think of ways to get over Joey but it was too hard. He'd been so kind to her and they always helped each other learn lines for a show. They had been in one or two together too. But he clearly didn't like her in the same way. 

"It's just a stupid crush." She muttered to herself. "I should never have broken up with Aidan. I'd probably be happy now and not sulking like a lovesick teenager." 

Joey returned about an hour later. 

"Honey, I'm home." He said in a silly voice. 

(Y/n) couldn't contain her laughter.

"What are you wearing?" She cried, giggling . 

"I'm a gladiator! Duh! And I have got you a costume too. We can work together!" He threw what looked like a toga at her.

"What. Is. That?" 

"It's what all the Greek women used to wear."

"Joey, it's Roman not Greek." Sighing, (y/n) went to try it out. It was pretty cool to be fair. Joey smirked at her when she came out of the bathroom. 

"Not bad." He said plainly.

"Not bad?" She scoffed. (Y/n) playfully hit him before walking out of the room, 

"Well let's go to work." She said.

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