Chapter seven

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(Y/n) sat down on the seat next to Ross and put her coffee down. 

"See (y/n) look at that. My joke made it into a Playboy magazine." Ross said proudly. (Y/n) read it and nodded.

"Cool. That's great? For some reason it sounds like something Chandler would say though." 

Chandler pointed a finger at Ross "I'm telling you, it's my joke!" 

Before anyone else could say anything, Joey walked in. 

"Hey." He said to everyone before bending down to kiss (y/n) on the cheek. 

"Hey Joe. What's up?" She asked. 

"My phone has been disconnected because I couldn't pay for it." He sat down glumly. Suddenly he jumped up as Gunther walked past.

"Hey, Gunther, do you think I could get a job?" Joey asked.

"That sounds like a great idea." Cried Rachel. Gunther looked at her then back at Joey. 

"Sure." He said, trying to smile at Rachel. 

(Y/n) glanced at her watch and cursed.

"I'd better go quickly. I've got to be at an audition in half an hour." 

The group shouted good luck as she ran out of the door. Joey got to up to leave but Gunther threw an apron at him. 

"You can start taking people's orders." He said without smiling. 

Joey started at him in disbelief. 

"But I've got an audition too today." He muttered to himself miserably. 


Sighing, Joey sat down on his recliner. Well it had been an interesting day. Now he couldn't wait for (y/n) to come round when she had finished.  There was a quiet knock on the door before (y/n) opened it and poked her head round. "Hi Joey," She said smiling. "How did it go at the cafe?" 

Joey explained everything, about how he had been fired, then got his job back but didn't get the job at the audition. She laughed and shook her head. Only Joey would shut the cafe for an hour just to get to an audition. 

"Well I'm pleased you got your job back." (Y/n) said as she handed Joey a coffee and then went to sit on the seat next to him. Joey placed his cup on the table to the right of him and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards him. Carefully, she also placed her cup on the table and then curled up on the recliner with him. He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her head as she buried her face in the crook of his neck. 

"So how did your audition go?" He asked after a few minutes.

"I think it went well. I'll found out by the end of tomorrow if I got the part." (Y/n) replied. They stayed there for a while until they were disturbed by (y/n)'s phone ringing. She got up and answered it. After about a minute she put it down. 

"What's wrong?" Joey asked, concerned. 

(Y/n) turned around slowly looking sad. 

"I GOT THE PART!" she cried suddenly, grinning widely. Joey jumped up, lifted her and spun her around. 

"I'm so happy for you." He said putting her down and pulling her in for a hug. 

"I'm going to tell the others!" She cried running out of the apartment. Joey laughed to himself as he watched her smiling like a child. What had he done to deserve her? 

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