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Alice and Ryder,Cherries parnets above.

Hello. My name is Cherry Lacey Thomas. I use to live in New York since I was 10,but we moved to Romania for a few years then we moved back in states when I was 14. While though a few months i went to different place for i can train. I may look very weak but i really strong. i have long brown hair that goes to my waist and brown eyes. My parents liketo movearound so now we are in California. We have mansion it was huge. I hope this is our last move I said to my wolf,Amber me to she said.But now i'm 17 years old i've grown a lot since then you know got tall more mature.Well i'm 5'8 yeah people think i'm always wear heels but i like wear my converse. I went for a skateboarding and smelled werewolf's 50%of the time but there was this one smell that stood out. the smell of strawberry and pancakes.I like pancakes. I followed were the smell came from and met him.I'm a very spoiled child. My dad goes out for 2 weeks he never told me what for,nobody have.I feel like my mom knows where he goes but you know i don't pry that much but I'm a very curious person. So I heard him talk about a different house that on the other side of California.There are 5 other packs in California other than our but we are the 2nd biggest and strongest pack in the world.My uncle iks the 1st strongest and biggest hes kinda the Alpha king and my Aunt is a vampire queen so they are pretty huge ruling vampire and werewolves at the same time i do see them with my cousin,Atticus Xakery William.

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