chapter 8

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So after hang out at ash house me and Issy went to the house. I went to my room and put on my PJs. I woke up to ash staring in face dressed for school.

hello motherfucker.'' I said

hey.'' he said

I got up and went to the bathroom and took a shower. I put on a dark gray pants and a Aztec gray tank with my dark gray boots. so we headed down stairs and Bella was there sitting at the table eating. she looked up and smiled. so I got some breakfast. we all said good bye to my parent and Sophia, she is the woman that my mom left for but all three of them get alone father is with both of them,men. so we got in the car and went to pick up Kendall and went to school. we walked in the school and out of nowhere Hannah slap me.

what the fuck,bitch.''

slut.'' she said and tried to punch me. I took one breathe and let go of her fist and walked away. my eye was black with angry I tried my best not to go back and punch the hell out of that bitch. she ran toward me but ash moved me before I could make a move to punch her to the woods and for her not to push me down. I growled at her and she had fear all over her face the whole school did it was a loud vicious growl. I smiled at her and my eye change back to their normal color. I went to class and sat down and listen to take notes. so the day went as normal and fast. was outside waiting for ash slow ass. he came out with Isbella and Kendall. I drove the car to the house. I went to my room and got my spray paint my door was repainted. I put on the 'enter will die' and close my door. I just meditated my life is something I told my wolf. so 3 hour later ash knocked on my door after meditating I went to sleep.

come in.'' I said I'm a little irtated. he walks in and lays beside me and kiss me on the cheek.

hey. I'm so sorry that I destured your sleep.'' he said I rolled my eyes. I had a plan and I smiled. I kissed ash he didnt expect it he smiled. the kiss last long so I was kissing his jaw and I got to him neck and bite him he reacted so hilariously. I smiled and kissed him on there lips. he was pouting I was laughing.

you are malious and vile and mean and sneaky.'' he said

oh you love for it.''

I'll get you back.''

so we waked downstairs to get something to eat. everyone was eating and they saw us and I walked to the kitchen and got something to eat. ash was talking to Kendall. I went to sit down and eat. the first 2 people to notice what I did to ash was my mom and Isbella. I figure it out when they all of a suddenly started to laughing their asses off and look at me. I smirked and shook my head. so when dinner was finished we went to the movie room and watch Get On Up. I went to bed early. I though about its close to the year and prom is coming up we are getting older simple teenage stuff. I went to sleep. I woke up an hour before my alarm so I just turned it off and took a shower. I put on a gray joker tank top and ripped jeans with gray converse. I went downstairs and ate some lucky charms. I went out for a drive to the beach,an hour later I got a call

Were thee fuck are you!'' my father said concerned and mad

do use that

langue with her you idoit.'' I heard mom and ash say.

oh I'm at the beach I'm heading to school now cause its bout that time bye.'' I said and hung up. I

looked at the time and I had 15 minutes to go to school. I was there with in 5 of the minutes as I got off my bike and ash came run toward me into a big hug I could have dogde it biut I let him hug me. he kiss me so much I didn't like that part.


I walked toward cherry as she was getting squeezed by ash. I laughed at him being the love sick puppy that he is.

hey sis and love sick puppy.''

shut up.'' he said

hey Issy.'' she said a we did our handshake. so Kendall scared me cause me to flip him in front of me

sorry ken baby.'' I said

Yea right.'' he said getting up. so we headed to the building and I wander off. someone bumped in me. I looked up to see who it was and Savannah was right there. Savannah and Hannah was the school whores

umm excuse me but you should really watch were your going,isboola.'' she said

oh hey Savannah I got to go I will deal with you later.'' I said walking off. I went to my place were I could go to the roof and still be in class. so I looked at the people that are still making there way into the building. I saw that there was 5 minutes before anyone gets to class. so I went though the class window and sat down. I started to draw and everyone got in class. Kendall sat beside me and kiss me on the cheek.

the day went by slowly. we was in gym running. so after school we went to the park.

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