i knew it!mom dad?

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Chapter 4

I woke up,Monday morning this is suck a drag I said to my wolf she nodded in agreement. So I got dress in a black croset top and black shorts with my black converse. I didn't feel like wearing anything that shows emotion. So I grabbed my bag and got to my bike.

Hey. Cherry are you going to eat?" Ash asked me

Uh no." I continue to walk I went for a drive to the grocery store to get another pack of sour pack kids. I walked down the hall hearing wolf whistles. So I went to all my class fell like years but school is over. I got a text from ash to go to the treehouse. I was bored out of my mind why wouldn't I. So I got there and ash was stand on the balcony.

Hey Ash. What do you want ."

Well....I know you've been staying at our house for a few days and I just want to say cherry do you accept me as your mate cause I just wandering and I been wanting to ask for a while." I looked at him for a second and started to giggle and then look at him." Of course why would I it would be wired if I was staying here if I didn't." He nodded so I climbed up there and gave him a hug. Eat tried to grab some sour pack kids but in swiped his hand before he could. I got a text from ivy to come cause my parents were there. I got up and climbed down and ash just followed me and we went back to the house. I opened the door and saw my parents. I went over to hug my mom. I put on my best smile.

Hello mother ....and father.''

Cherry we want you to come home and-." My father started but I cut him off

But I told my mom that I would come back so you shouldn't be concern about it. But fine I guess I can go home you can get my stuff. Bye ash I'll see you later bye poison ivy and Jonah I miss you ." I said and headed out the door on my bike and drove of to the house I had good memories while I was a way for a week.

~Ash P. O. V~

I'll go get her stuff." My mom said as she went up stairs.

Hi Ma'am." I said to her mom

Hello you must be ash my name is Alice and my husband is Ryder." she said giving me one of those looks that said'' just remember that you don't know me sorry''

Ash go to your room we are going to talk to Cherry's parnets. My mom said

I went to my tree house I was just thinking .

Hey." She said

You suppose to be gone aren't you."

Yes. But I miss someone too much."

I miss you too." She went to me and gave me a hug. she layed on my chest. So we chilled for a few hours.

My mom mind linked me saying your parents are bout to go." I said looking down at her

"Oh. I guess I should be going home." She had gotten up and I looked at her she was waking away. The way her butt swayed side to side nicee. I could tell she walked her so she ran to her house.I decided to go back home and go to sleep. I think cherry is going to be a great Luna alpha. I love her so much.

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Riddle:Which creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?

Answer:Man. He crawls on all fours as a baby, then walks on two feet as an adult, and then walks with a cane as an old man.

The tale of two sitersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora