blue moon ball

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chapter 2

So tonight is the night of the blue moon ball. I took a shower and went to my closet. I decided to wear a light blue dress that reach my knees and blue heels. I heard a knock at the door I jetted to the door before my mom got there. yes if you're wonder I did run down the stairs. I open the door and saw Ash at the door. I motioned him in. My mom walked in and waved and hugged Ash,which I thought was a little wired.

He looked at him and said" you look beautiful "

"Thank. Are you ready." I said


I have to go get my phone." I said walking to get it.

So we was next to his house at a different building. The music was loud and the place was almost packed. We danced all night. there was this one dace ash had pull me close and i realize it was a slow dance an relaxed and i swayed with him to the beat. After a while I had gotten hungry so I headed to the table with food. I ate a brownie and headed back to Ashton. I saw this guy eye me all night. he walked to me

"hello. beautiful.''

"umm hey?'' I said back

"come and dance with me.''

"no thanks I'm good,"

"come on babe let dance.'' he said as he gripped my wrist. I bite his wrist to let go of mine and left. I was almost angry with that guy.

Hey its getting late get back home your father told me to tell you. My mom mind linked me

So I decide that I would walk and texted Ash that was leaving. I went though the woods for a short cut so I was at home in 5 minutes. Then I entered the house and dad was sleeping on the couch I guess mom got mad at him. So I was in my room getting ready for bed and mom came in crying.

"Mom what's wrong,"

"Your.......Father wants to split up." 

NO..This is not going to happen. I will be right back. I'm going away and stall for a while OK you will be OK." I said she nodded. I started to pack my things. Then my father came in. I was bout to leave when he block my door.

Where are you going

Somewhere that's not here

No your not

OK. I turned around a went to the window and went out the window. I went to my motorcycle and drove off. I went to the beach and tried to think what to do. Mom and dad would be close they still have to see each other right cause they are mates. I was all panicked, and had a panic attack. after a few hours of cursing and kicking sand also a little over thinking I just sat down and looked at the sky. Hey." I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see Ashton.

I got up and hugged him. He looked at me and said "what wrong?"

"Well.. My parents are splitting up and I'm just thinking right now."

"They can't its almost like  a demon away from his mate/other-half they are going to lose it. So what are you going to do."

"well I got my bike and ride might go home in a week but I don't know."

"You can stay with me even though it been a day I was talking about you to my mom she want to meet you." He said getting up and holding out his hand. I nodded and grabbed his hand. So we rode my bike to his house it looked the same as mine but an inch or two smaller. We entered the house and saw a woman probably in her 30s.

"Hey Ash. Is this her wow she is more beautiful than you described." She said

"Dang mom you are embarrassing."

"Hi sweetie I'm Ivy my husband name is Jonah. Come with me to the kitchen your father want you Ashton ." Ivy said. Ivy had blonde hair and she looks 5'0.she has brown eye. So we walked into the kitchen. I guess she was cooking.

~Ash P.O.V~

"Hey Father." I walked into the office

"Ash. She seems nice is this the famous Cherry that you've been talking bout." He said looking up. I smiled and nodded. So we started talking bout business .  We heard a knock at the door.

Come in." I said Cherry walked in.

"Uhmhh so like poison is finished with the food." She said

OK thank you miss." Father said. She smiled. Wow that beautiful smile of hers. She closed the door behind her.

So son are you ready to eat." I smiled and nodded so we went downstairs. the girls already started to eat.

What's you name?"  Father had asked her


"So you like cherries if so which one they ones they put on sundae or the other one." Mom said

"I like cherries the regular ones."

"Cherry,I feel like we are best friends but one question to determine that finally. Super man or ..?" My mom said

Superman. " she said without thinking or letting mom finishing the sentence. My mom nodded in agreement. So we all finished and Cherry told my parents why she left home but she not a rouge she said part of the pack always the pack. So me and Cherry went to the living room and watched sleepwalker. When that was over she was in my room and I showed her a room. Then I went to sleep for the next day.

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brain teaser: Six men are carrying boxes holding six cats and each cat has 6 kittens. How many legs are there in total?

1020. There are 6 men with 2 legs each, for a total of 12 legs. There are 36 cats with 4 legs each for a total of 144 legs. There are 216 kittens with 4 legs each for a total of 864 legs 12 + 144 + 864 = 1020.

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