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Isbella picture above

I woke up in my bed the next day I took a shower and brush my teeth. I picked out my dark red dress that goes mid-thigh wit my dark red wedges. I feel like it been forever since i saw my room. I got on my bike and rode to school. Yep i said it robe a motorcycle in a dress and wedges. I got to school and I notice something was different.

Hey cherry." Ash said

Is there a new girl." I asked and gotten off my bike

Yes. How did you know."

I'm just that good you know. I smiled and gave him a hug. I knew where she was to so we walked to her locker which was right beside mind.

Hey. My name is cherry what yours girly?"

Hello cherry. My name is Isbella. Do you have any of these classes. " she handed me her schedule. I nodded.

I have all of them. Come on follow me. Bye ash see you in lunch." He winked at me so me and Isbella was talking to each other we got to know each other while we was walking to class. So we sat down and learned and bah. So we are heading to lunch.

So cherry was that guy your mate."

Ash. Yes he is."

Cool. I haven't found mines yet. Maybe I will. Are you an only child I am and you look like one." I nodded

So we walked into the cafeteria in walked Isbella though the lunch line. We went to the table.

Hey everyone this is Isbella. Issy this is Victoria, Marvin,Gweneth,Chloe,Corey,Kendall,Stacey, Matty and robin.robin and rave are twins."  So everyone was taking and laughing.

Hey. Isbella do you know any other languages." Chole asked

Yes. French,Latin,Japanese,English and Spanish. " she said

Cool.Cherry does to." She nodded so lunch was over and gym began. I was fighting Kendall this time. I attacked him by flipping him over and he pinned out. So school was over and me and Ash went to hang with the gang  later on even though it was Monday it was only for ice cream. I went home and change in some pants. I told my mom where I was going so we was at the the ice cream shop ash brought mine. So while we was there we worked on homework I know lame but it was for 5 minutes. We went to the movies and watch the pruge. Everyone wen home and ash was walking me too my bike.

So I guess this is goodnight and good morrow my love."

Yes I guess it is good night. " I said and kissed him on the cheek. I drove off and went home. I went into the house and went to my room and switched clothes into my PJs.

Wake up cherry."

Why cause I'm here."

Shut up ash what are you doing here."

I wanted to surprise you and I never forgot that in 2 days is your birthday ."

I love you."

Love you too now get up. I got your clothes out for you."

Fine." I got up and went to my room and  took a shower. I got out with my towel wrapped around. He handed me my clothes and I didnt even want to look at him in the eyes cause they was probably filled with lust. I changed and said come on. I didn't  ride my bike today. I drove ash car. So we was at school within 10 minutes I like to drive fast. Which scared him a lot. I got out and put his keys in my back pocket. So today was Thursday, My birthday is on Saturday. I planned a party and invited half the student body. So me,Isbella and ash was walking he had pointed out how we look the same.

When your birthday Bella."

Saturday. " he looked at me then back at issy.

Bye  babe. " he told me and left,we looked at each other and shrugged.

Why do things have to so damn boring." I asked ash

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What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?  

A towel

The tale of two sitersWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt