Mate?!?.....i think

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Ashton's pic above

~ cherry P. O.V~

Late last night I snuck into Ash room. I woke up early in the morning but not as early as ash. So he was getting dress putting on a blue v-neck.

Hey cherry." He said I waved and got up to take a shower and brush my teeth so I saw him look though my bag of clothes. I looked at him with my towel wrapped around my body.

"What are you doing?" I said. I had scared him so much that he feel off the bed.

Oh I was just looking for something for you to wear to be honest."

OK." he looked at me with confusion "if you want to pick some clothes do it." So I grabbed some panties and a bra and headed to the bathroom.

"45 minutes ." Ivy called from downstairs. Ash handed me my superman tank top with white skinny jeans. I put it on and we headed downstairs. So we finished breakfast and rode my bike to school. I got there first before Ash did. So we walked down the hall for our next few class. So right now we are in gym. We had to run around the school 15 times. I wasn't tired at all,we went back to the gym for hand to hand combat. I fought one of the alphas and I won. School is over glad today is Friday.

Hey cherry are you going to the party tonight." Kendall asked

Yeah." I said. I turned around and saw my dad at my bike. I walked to him and looked at him he looked tired and a little drunk.

"Bonjour father." I said

"Daughter. come home me and your mother need you

"I'm good I will return when I want to OK," I got on my bike left. So I went to the grocery store and called Ivy.

Hey cherry

Hey poison. Do you need anything from the store while I'm here."

Mmmmmm. Ribs 18 packs I'm going to paid you back when you come."

You don't have to.

I'm going to bye


I hung up and began to walk into the store. I grabbed a buggie and rode to the meats Ilse. I went down an Ilse to go to the cash resigner and I saw one of those big packs of sour pack kids and I grabbed 2.I headed for the cash resigner. So the lady looked at me with big eye like she was shocked to see how much meat I have. She started to ring one after the other really fast and last my sour pack.

120.00 she said and I pulled out 2 100 out of my purse and have me. She gave me 80 dollars back. I walked back to the bike."FUCK!" I said out loud. I texted Ash to pick up the ribs and 15 minutes later. I put them in his trunk. I hugged him and said thanks." I got on my bike and drove behind him. We got in the house carrying the ribs in the kitchen.

~Ivy P. O. V~

So Ash and Cherry walked into the kitchen.

Thank you so much sweetie how much do I owe you."

Only 100 but you don't have to." Cherry said I pulled out a hundred and handed to her and nodded my they was going back and forth with the ribs. Cherry had grabbed a bag with some candy in it and her and Ash went to his room. They was laughing their asses off. Jonah walked into the kitchen. I kissed him and headed to work. I washed and unpacked all the ribs.

~cherry P. O. V~

So Me and ash was watching movies and eating my sour patch kids. He had his arm around my shoulder. I want to go for a run.

Hey were is your woods

Come on. He said stand up from the bed. So I followed him outside to the back yard and we drove a path there it was a huge forest I guest it went to Oregon and Nevada.

Wow. This place is huge." I said

Yeah. It goes to Oregon and Nevada. And we got allies there so we can cross the state borders."I nodded my head" but let's not go far cause mom is almost finish ."

So I stripped while he was turn around and shifted and started to walk around. Wow I feel good I haven't shift in a while. He grabbed his clothes and looked at me and I did the same. So he lead me to a treehouse and he went behind the huge tree that was up the treehouse on top of it. He came back in his clothes and went up. So I shifted to and put on my clothes, and went up the ladders.

"Is this like a hide away cause its really cool cause you can basically stay in here."

"Sort of when I want to feel alone I could just be here till dinner."

So we play GTA5 till ash's mom mind linked him. so we did shift we race on foot I won cause I just did.we entered the house and ate. I changed to my PJs and went to bed. I was tired from the running. I so close to ash now and that its almost my birthday to find my mate. but I think ash is my mate cause once time I felt a little spark. I know that he felt it to but I think its a little early to find my mate I though but I could ask an elder.

S o how was this chapter tell me I would love to know this type of info. Comment and read more. Vote also. Hehehe.
Riddle:Who makes it, has no need of it. Who buys it, has no use for it. Who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?  

A coffin

The tale of two sitersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon