Chapter I - Enjoy Your Slay

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2 Months Later...
The Executioner's POV
So it's been 2 months since we nearly died in battle with He Who Waits Behind The Wall, and everybody's been back to normal. Well, almost everyone.
"X, do you think we should take a vacation?"  And by almost everyone, I meant my demonic self. Crescent.
"And why should I dare ask, Crescent?"
"Because, we've been killing nonstop since Zalgo, aka my future father in law, tried to kill all of us." Well Crescent has a point. The only reason The Hivemind wanted us dead is because we both dishonored his contract, literally. And Lazari, Zalgo's daughter, is dating Crescent.
"Well, you have a point, Crescent. Let's just see how this plays out."
That night...
Crescent's POV
"Slashes to ashes and dust to dust, let's see how long you'll last in this game of ours." Classic chase of victim; she runs upstairs, hides in the bathroom or closet. The bathroom was unlocked, so we had one other option. Closet. But when we opened it, empty. Lucky thing is, we acquired an acute sense of smell. Kitchen. We killed the lights and she was scared. "I'm not afraid of you, I have a knife." I used the lowest weapon a pasta would use, a frying pan just to knock her out.
When she woke up, there were no words for this.
Crescent started carving her wrists in crescents, then small marks on her neck and stomach, she started twitching when he started carving her back, the crescents longer than the other. He stretched open one of the cuts and reached into her ribs and snapped one off.
Crescent's POV
I dragged her to the window to look at the moon. "Let this be the last thing you see, the last voice you hear. I am the Angel of death, the Devil Incarnate, I. Am. Crescent." And her throat was slit. We made our way back to the mansion after a ruthless killing spree, and both of us getting drunk, we climbed into our room and just knocked out.
That next morning...
The Executioner's POV
I woke up with the worst hangover in my afterlife. Until someone started poking me.
Poke. One more poke and you're dead.
Poke. I slowly opened my eyes and saw it was just Sally.
"Hey, pumpkin." I said groggily.
"Slendy asked me to check on you. Are you OK?"
"I'm fine, Sally. Just have a bad headache." I got up and staggered, Sally leading me to the kitchen.
After falling halfway down the steps...
"I'm OK. I'm good." I got back up and went straight into the kitchen and made coffee.
"What happened to you?" Toby smelled fresh. Blood.
"I drank the strongest shit I could find. Had to kill someone for it." I sipped and felt a headache, " Toby, do you think we should go on vacation?" Toby almost choked.
"I remember the last time we went on vacation, it was horrible."
"Where y'all went?
That last vacation...
Toby's POV
Sand, seas, blood. We literally went haywire for 2 whole weeks. We lost the whole misconception of vacation.
Flashback over...
"So that's what happened. And Slendy hated being in the sun for that long so yeah."
Crescent's POV
"I was thinking Crystal Lake for a vacation." I added.
"Camp Crystal Lake? Jason Voorhees' killing ground? " Oh crap. Slendy told me that Toby was a Jason fan. I think I triggered him.
"Yes, Toby, Camp Crystal Lake."
"That's a grand idea, Crescent. Away from the sun and that they could keep the kill intake small." At least The Slenderman agrees with me.
"Right on schedule, Slendy. Toby told me what happened."
"Besides, after what happened 2 months ago, I figured we need a vacation."
"Let's just see if I can ring in Lazari, which means I gotta go into hell."
"Be safe."
"I'll be fine. The Zalgoid Guard respect me. I opened a portal and went to hell.
Lazari's POV
I miss him. His white hair, his cold skin. I saw the portal open and he came.
"Cressy-bear!" I literally tackled him to the ground.
"Hey Lazari."
"I missed you so much." I held onto him, like I wouldn't let go.
"I missed you too, love." I kissed her forehead and gave her a piggyback ride. "Looking for daddy, sweetie?"
"Of course. It's concerning us."
I walked into the throne room, which I dared step in and he was there.
It was strange.
"Crescent, X!" That's weird. He'd mostly kill us at the first glance, he's hugging us?
"Zalgo? Can I take Lazari on a vacation with the pastas?"
"Sure! If she gets hurt, you'll be mangled beyond repair." And that's the Zalgo I remember.
"It won't happen. You have my word." I think I felt X internally scream.

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