Chapter VI -Waking Nightmare

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So Ally and I stepped out and walked among the forest.
"I'm sure you're probably wondering how I became like this."
"I'm curious. What's your story?"
"Well, it started back when I was 5 years old. My family shunned me and sent me to an asylum. I was so scared I isolated myself from everybody. Until one day, a sudden urge took over me, and I ended up killing everyone. I ended up running away from the asylum, bloody, cold and alone. And that's when Slendy found me."
"So, how'd you get the tentacles?"
"Crescent doesn't know this but, I'm Slenderman's doll." And that's when I saw the thumb screw in her back. She wasn't kidding.
"Unbelievable. You're conjoined to Slendy."
"Crescent's listening, is he?" Her blue eyes shined in the light.
"Every word, but I think he'll get over it."
"I should've told him when I had the chance."
"It's OK. I understand."
"Thank you, Crescent. What about yours, X?" That was the moment my mind went dark.
"I was bullied back when I was human. When I used to live. My life was horrible, even when my mother died, it was the worst. The day it happened, I had enough and just snapped on one of them and nearly broke his arm. Later that day, I was beaten to a bloody pulp and my eyes were gone. I was beaten until I couldn't breathe anymore. I hide my eyes in my locks to block out the memories of that horrible day."
"And your killers? What happened to them?"
"I killed them, their families, and everyone they ever loved." My voice went dark as she brought up something I don't want to remember.
"X, I'm sorry I made you relapse, I thought you would've been OK to talk about it."
"It's alright. The only thing they didn't know, they created a monster with a lust for vengeance and blood." She chuckled even she heard vengeance.
"Bet you and Crescent still don't get along."
"Can I talk to him. Please?" Looks like they need to patch things up. I turned into Crescent just to hope he doesn't screw this up.
Crescent's POV
"Ally, I understand that I betrayed you out of hate, but I didn't. I was controlled by him because Zalgo knew you and Slendy were conjoined, and I had no choice, no control over my body. I'm sorry if I betrayed you, I'm sorry if I broke your heart, and I'm sorry that I couldn't face you afterwards."
"Crescent, it's OK. I understand. Just one thing," And she pulled me in close,"I'm not mad that you're dating Lazari, but Zalgo has to pay for his sins." And just like that a knife came close to us.
"What's wrong?"
"Zalgo's cronies who just wouldn't give up."
"Crescent, long time no see." I remember this one, she wore a mask, ginger short hair and her eyes were black. Stripes.
"Stripes, still can't take a hint, eh?"
"Lord Zalgo doesn't know we're here. And I wouldn't rest until I reclaim his soul which is around your neck." She motioned to my necklace which in the crescent pendant holds Zalgo's soul.
"You have his soul?" Ally was shook.
"Had it ever since I practically took him out 2 months ago."
"And I'll be thrilled that you leave Lazari alone."
"I can't because she's in love with me, Stripes. Which makes you my sister-in-law."
"You insolent worm!" She charged in and I simply dodged it.
"Still rushing reckless, I see."
"Shut up, you white haired cretin." No matter how many times she rushes in, she always misses. I pulled out my sickle and pinned her into the ground.
"Give up. You know you're gonna lose."
"I wouldn't be so sure. Now!" I heard a shot from a mile away. I rolled out the way and Stripes actually slashed me in the cheek.
"Ally, take care of the sniper. I got this."
"Right!" Ally disappeared while Stripes and I had it out.
"You betrayed us, Crescent. Now you die."
"Over my cold body." I slammed her into a tree and decimated what was left of her.
"You m-monster."
"I told you. The moonlight's not so pale anymore. Now leave and don't come back."
"Can I just see Lazari first?"
Back at the shack...
"Stripes, what happened to you?" Lazari looked at what happened.
"Your boyfriend happened. All for your father's soul.
"Crescent, you should've held back."
"Your sister had a grudge on me since we started dating, love." True. Every since I explained to The Hivemind about Lazari and I, Stripes wants my head on a block and Zalgo's soul freed.
"Well I'm fine, ok? You don't have to kill Crescent for this." Lazari kissed my cheek as I opened a portal for them. "By the way, who's your sniper?"
"Oh, he's new, his name's Sinsanity."
"Judging by the name, he killed everyone in an asylum and he has crazy accuracy."
"How'd you guessed?"
"Easy. I have an insane mind, apart from X's."
"If anything happens to her-"
"Zalgo already gave me the warning, he's got my word."
"Perfect." Her and Sinsanity left.

The Executioner III - A Pasta's Vacation.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant