Panick Attacks

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Am currently having a lyric battle/mashup with one of my readers. Fortunately the song goes with the deep meaning behind this SUPER SHORT chapter. Hope y'all enjoy!
*Edit*: Feeling slightly betrayed by this person rn. ; (

Peter tugged at his turtle neck. He had fallen asleep last night after coming home from protrol late. He didnt have time to change out of his suit so now he was wearing a stuffy turtle neck and knee high scocks (under his pants) to hide his suit. He was thankful the gloves were removable now.

"Dude, are you okay?" Ned whispered, their Spanish teacher droning on about an upcoming project.

"Yeah, just really hot." Ned nodded sympathetically.

"Now," The teacher walked down the isles, handing out the rubric. "You will have assigned parteners for this assignment." Groans came from the class. "You will have to speak in front of the class. You and your partner must have a full conversation in Spanish. I don't care what you talk about just so long as it is school appropriate." She walked back up to her desk and picked up a sheet of paper. "I have assigned you all Spanish names. Repeat them back when I call on you." She looked down at the paper, "Chole, Sofia."


"Martin, Alejandro."


"Eugene, Diego."


This continued on all the way down the list until she got to Ned and Peter.

"Ned, Leonardo."


Peter and Ned snickered at the name.

"Peter, Pedro." Peter froze at the name, all color draining from his face. "Pedro."

Please stop.

The Spanish teacher, Miss. Maria, looked up at him, "Pedro, answer me."

"Answer me Pedro."


Peter looked around; he was under the building again.

Help! Somebody please!!

Karen picked up on Peter's panick attack and alerted Mr. Stark.

"Pedro... Pedro... Pedro!..."

"Peter!" A panicked voice came into focus.

Mr. Stark?

"Peter, breath! Come on, deep breaths."

"H-lp." Peter choked out. "It's-" He gasped, seeing only dust and rubble around him. "It's crushing me Mr. Stark." Tears rolled down Peter's face, "Can't.... breath!"

"Peter you're safe. You got out, listen to my voice!" Tony grabbed Peter's shoulders. "Name five things you see."


"No." Tony gave Peter an encouraging saueeze. "Fouce and breath Pete. Five things you can see."

"Uh- y-you."


"The far wall. Ned? Uh, red and, um, th-the floor."

"Good job kid," Tony rubbed Peter's arms. "Now, four things you can hear."

"Your voice, my-my heartbeat... um, my voice, and, uh, breathing."

"You're doing good, three things you smell."

"Your- your cologne, sweat, a candle."

"Two things you taste?"

"Salt and water."

"A thing you feel?"


"Good." Tony pulled Peter into a hug, rubbing his back. "Breath, Pete. Your safe." Peter took a shuddering breath and slumped against Tony. With a sigh the man scooped Peter up. "I will be leaving with Peter. And please, never say... that name... in front of hin again." He adjusted his hold on Peter. "Bad memories."

And with that he strode out of the room. Peter was asleep in seconds.

Sorry it's so short! It was just stuck in my head! I need to sleep now, I have work tomorrow after school.

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