What Do We Need Witnesses For?

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Draco smiled at the warm body pressed against him before the memories of last night stole his breath away. He fought against the tears that were threatening to appear, his eyes prickling uncomfortably as he buried his face into Harry's chest. Harry tightened his embrace, pulling Draco closer as if trying to make them one.

"Can I keep you?" Harry whispered, causing the butterflies in Draco's stomach to take flight.

Unable to find his voice, he simply nodded against Harry's chest.

A pecking sound at the window startled them both. A drab-looking barn owl stood glaring at them through the window, a small envelope with green writing affixed to its leg. Begrudgingly, he untangled himself from Harry's arms, crossing to the window to retrieve the letter.

Mr. Draco Malfoy & Mr. Harry Potter
Slytherin Boys Dormitory - Room #7
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

"This can't be good," Draco remarked, noticing the letter was addressed to the two of them.

Harry sidled up alongside him, a frown appearing on his face when he had finished reading the outside of the envelope. Draco quickly tore it open.

Dear Mr. Draco Malfoy & Mr. Harry Potter,

Your presence has been requested in my office after
breakfast. Please be prepared to bear testimony
regarding last night's events.


Albus P. Dumbledore
Headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

When they had both finished with the letter, they exchanged a worried look.

"Guess we should head down to breakfast," Harry announced, shrugging nonchalantly. "You go on without me. I need to go back to my dorm room to change..." he paused to sniff himself, "...and maybe take a shower."

Harry reached out a hand to affectionately stroke his cheek. "I'll see you in just a bit," he promised, a warm smile on his face.

It was startling to see Harry behaving with such normalcy. Nothing about any of this was normal. How was it that life could continue on completely oblivious to the tragedy that was unfolding? How did the sun still rise every day, bringing them all that much closer to the inevitable?

Harry frowned, his eyes growing profoundly sorrowful. "Will you stop looking at me like that?" he implored. "Like you're counting down the seconds in your mind. I can't live like that."

Draco shifted nervously, wondering what kind of face he should be making in a situation like this. He went for the only one he knew well, pulling down his familiar Malfoy Mask of Disdain.

"Better?" he snarled, trying to keep up appearances.

Harry let out a short barking laugh, emerald eyes sparkling in the early morning sunlight.

"Not really," he snorted. "But it will do. I'll see you at breakfast."

Before Draco could think of a witty comeback, Harry had jumped out of the window in a reckless manner. Draco leaned over the ledge in alarm, watching as Harry effortlessly pulled his broom under him as he fell, stopping his descent just in time.

"Gryffindors," Draco grumbled with a shake of his head, his heart beating frantically in his chest.

<<<<<   >>>>>

"When we got to the Headmaster's Office, they clamped up," Hermione whispered, leaning over in a conspiratorial manner. "Parkinson refused to say anything until their parents were notified. Since it was already so late, the Headmaster's hands were tied. He said he would send out notice immediately, but in the meantime, they would be confined to one of the guest rooms in the castle until an investigation could be completed. Participating in..." she trailed off with a shudder, unable to put those events into words. "Well, they can be expelled for that."

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