Author's Thoughts

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You made it, you made it to the end. Hooray! I really hope you enjoyed this first book. Book two will have a significantly more involved plot. Honestly, it seems a bit daunting, but I will push through somehow. I've grown as a writer working on this and met a ton of amazing new friends. I have a lot more help going forward than when I first started this project.

I had fleshed out this story in 2004, but quit writing when I got discouraged about my abilities as a writer. I actually quit writing entirely for over 14 years thinking that I just wasn't any good at it. I'm glad I changed my mind. This has been such a rewarding experience.

The original plot of this story had Draco dying in that last attack and Harry getting captured. At first, Narcissa is furious that Harry got her son killed, but when she realizes how miserable he is over it, she works with him to destroy Voldemort. Harry was supposed to die killing him. I just couldn't do it though. I kept Draco alive, I kept Harry alive, and now I have a whole second book to write. O.o I am so happy with my decision though as I am not ready to let this story end. I have so much more I want to say about the world and love and friendship and loss.

I don't know when the first chapter of book two will come out as I have a lot of work to do fleshing it out so I don't end up writing myself into a corner. In the meantime, I am collaborating on a much fluffier piece with another talented writer. The first chapter of that book is up. Just look at my other works and you will see it. It's called Dawn.

Also, feel free to follow me for more updates and if you forgot to do it, go back and vote on all the previous chapters so I can feel the love.

Thanks for making it to the end. I love you all!

- OpalRainDragon

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