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My eyes flutter open and I stretch out, yawning. I notice an abnormal amount of extra space compared to my twin size bed and sit up. I look around the grey-walled room and stretch again, where am I? Oh yeah, the man's bedroom. I blush remembering the recurrence of last night's events.

I hop off of the bed and almost fall to the ground, having a lack of strength in my lower half. I wobble over the closet across from the bed and open it, finding a big grey pair of sweatpants and I put them on, tightening the lace as tightly as I can.

I creep over to the ajar door and poke my head through the crack into the hallway, all clear. I open the door quietly and tiptoe down the hallway, into the living room. Is he not home? I take a deep breath in and sigh, relieved.

Walking into the kitchen I notice some pictures of a little blonde girl similar to the one I had just noticed walking by the door, I wonder who she is? I stare for a second before I realize how dry my mouth is, I find a clean cup, I hope, in the dishwasher next to the sink, and fill it with cold tap water.

"Jeez, thirsty much?" I nearly jump out of my skin and choke on the water, spraying some of it out.

The stranger runs over to me, patting my back, "Sorry, you alright?" I nod my head, setting down the glass of water. I turn to him, gawking at his shirtless figure. While I could barely keep these sweatpants on he only wears a pair of briefs, I try to avoid staring.

I guess in the spur of the moment yesterday, I didn't notice how toned he was. Like you could crack an egg onto his chest and cook it if you know what I mean?

"If you don't mind me asking-" I pause, a little flustered, "What's your name?"

"Alexander- but most people call me Alex." I shoot a small smile at Alex, and he returns the favor. "What about yourself?"

"Jasper," I say sipping on my glass of water.

"Is this your place?" I say, and continue looking around the kitchen. It only contains the basic things you need to cook, no color, no pop, no pizazz or even a theme.

"Yeah, but I work a lot, so I'm not home much," Alex says, turning to open the fridge, retrieving a bottle of orange juice. He pops off the cap and drinks straight from the bottle, chugging it. And he called me thirsty?

Oh yeah, I need to go home. I look at Alex and get a little nervous, opening my mouth.

"You should probably be going home soon?" Alex bit his lip and looked at me skeptically, "Off topic, but are you eighteen?"

I can't help but snort, "Twenty three... going four soon." Everybody always remarks on how young I look, which could cause some problems for some people, or some problems for me.

Alex sighs in relief, taking another drink from his bottle of orange juice. "Why, how old are you?" I ask, a tad curious.

Pondering for a moment, then looking at me, his face crinkles. "Thirty- I think?" He says unsure. Looking at Alex though closely, his age suits his face and body, a muscular kind of dad body.

"You think?" I laugh.

"I'm forever twenty-five at heart, so there isn't a need for me to count." Alex grins at me and I lose my breath a little bit unexpectedly. He has a gorgeous and wide smile, and his teeth are pearly white and straight, showing between his pink lips.

"I guess you have a valid point." I chuckle, "But in all seriousness, could I have a ride home?" Alex screwed the lid back on the orange juice and put it back in the particularly large fridge.

"I don't see why not?" He says turning around, then walks down the hallways into his bedroom. When he returns to the kitchen, he's dressed and tosses a black sweatshirt at me. I pull the sweatshirt on and take in the smell of it. A little bit of a black ice vibe, with some mint, very clean.

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