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* two weeks later*

The air reeks of disinfectant as I sit nervously on the edge of my seat in the doctor's office. I anticipate what follows this visit, and not in a good way. I look around the room at smiling faces and I try to calm down, there is a chance I'm not pregnant, so let's just hold onto that thought.

I look over to the door as it opens and a nurse pops through it.

"Jasper Wells?" She looks around the room and I stand up, anxiously stepping towards her.

Noticing my jittery movements she places a comforting hand on my shoulder and I meet her eyes with my own, "Don't worry about it, you'll do great." Great? Yeah, sure.

We walk down the treacherous hall and stop at the second to last door on the right, stepping inside the flower themed room.

"Doctor Fuller should be with you soon," The nurse says, clutching her clipboard to her chest then swiftly exiting the room.

I take a seat on the paper wrapped table and roll my shoulders back, think of happy thoughts. The beach, swimming, drinking, par-

"Afternoon, I'm Doctor Fuller," Says a glee looking man bursting through the door, he walks over to me and sticks out his hand.

"Hello," I say, smiling, accepting his handshake.

Doctor Fuller sits down on his stool and opens his computer, setting it on the counter in front of him. "So you are here for a pregnancy test...Jasper?" He looks up to me and I nod my head.

"It can be difficult to determine with omegas sometimes, so I'm going to have to take both a blood and urine samples, just to be sure we are getting the same results," He goes on, typing the keys on his computer.

"Um- Alright, whatever you need." I swallow back my nerves, I hate needles.

"So Jasper, you been having any morning sickness?"


"Cramping in the abdominal area?"

I think back to these past two weeks, "No."

"Difficulties with performing any simple tasks?"


"Okay! I'll have a nurse come in here and get some samples from you." And with that, Doctor Fuller takes his leave, moving on to another patient. That was pretty straightforward, I thought there would be more questioning.

No longer than ten minutes later the same nurse from before enters the room, handing me a plastic cup. I hop off the bed and get the nurse what she needs, returning and handing the cup back to her. She smiles at me and tells me to sit down again, and so I do.

I make big eyes at the needle as she pulls the plastic cover off the tip. My breath picks up slightly and I can't help but glue my eyes on the needle.

"It's not too bad." I look up at her and laugh.

"Yeah maybe not, but I've got other things eating at my mind as well."

"Understandable," She says inserting the needle in my arm. I watch as my blood slowly goes up the thin plastic tube, collecting in a small bottle.

"Alright then, all done!" The nurse says gleamingly, placing a band-aid down on the mark.

"So, as for urine results, you should be able to get them very soon, but for blood, it could take up forty-eight hours." I nod my head and twiddle my thumbs together anxiously. "I'll go ahead and get the urine tested for you then."

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