Cricket Theory

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       Now that we've gotten that formality out of the way, let's talk about our girl Cricket. So we all know that Queen Wasp can't control her. What we don't know is why. Wasp asks why she can't control her, and seems generally confused and greatly concerned by the fact. Here's my theory. Keep in mind it's probably not right, so no hecklers, please. 


* Lady Scarab is related to Queen Wasp, but we don't know how

* Lady Scarab could be Princess Scarab

* It has been officially leaked that Cricket has a close relationship with Lady Scarab, but it's unconfirmed what that relationship is

* Cricket could be one of Lady Scarab's relatives of some sort

* The mind control is probably a royal inherited trait, kind of like Seawing Animus powers, only more localized because no other tribes have it

* Cricket is some sort of not documented relative to the queen

* If Cricket killed the current Queen, she would be able to control the hive

       Notice that Queen Wasp appears to have no heirs? Perhaps because she keeps them controlled, like the Flamesilks? An un-controlled relative would be able to seize the throne. Queen Wasp is alarmed when she figures out Cricket is immune because there should be no Hivewing in the normal hive that she can't control.

      What do you guys think? Good theory or not?

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