Chapter 2: A Chance Encounter

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"Hazel. We've been together for quite some time. Six years to be exact." He smiled at me. I gave returned his smile. "I know we've had many discussions regarding our long-term plans before you decided to move to Boston... And you know that I care for you very, very much." He continued.

I nodded my head in response to his comment. I was confused because he said he cared about me not loved me. When did that change?

"I think we should split up." He looked straight into my eyes with no emotion on his face. I just stared at him in response as I felt my whole world crash down around me.


"Wait...What did you say?" I gasped out.

"Hazel... I think it's for the best we take some time apart... I'm sorry, but I still have another two to three years of residency and I just don't have time for a steady relationship right now." He looked at me with his big blue eyes that I used to adore, but right now I couldn't bear it. It couldn't hear anything for a moment as he continued. Only the steady thumping of my heart in my ears. This isn't what was supposed to happen tonight.

"Brett... Then why did you bring me to this restaurant..." I questioned with tears glistening in the corners of my eye. I refused to let him see them fall.

"Honestly... Because I was afraid that you were going to freak out on me... I figured if I brought you here... You would be less likely to fall apart on me." He sighed running his hands through his blonde hair.

"Seriously?!" I whisper shouted.

"Look Hazel... We're both still so young... I'm not ready to settle down and get married yet... Maybe in a few years we can try to be together again and make it work... I know you've been busy with work to and looking for more time to spend in the gym to lose some weight... And this time apart with give you that..." He stated again with no emotion on his face. I stood suddenly from my seat and grabbed my clutch. I couldn't believe how many years I had wasted on this man. A man who after six years in a committed relationship could look at me with no warmth, no consideration to my feelings. Only afraid that I would make a scene and embarrass him. I turned to walk away, before quickly spinning back around. I slightly bent over the table showcasing my breasts and what he would be missing.

"Fuck you Brett! I can't even look at you anymore... Don't bother trying... If I was who you wanted to be with... Then we would've made it work!" I stood up clutching my fists to keep myself from slapping him. I had more dignity than that. I strode out of the restaurant with my head held high. I would not break down here. I am stronger than that.

As soon as I stepped out into the warm summer breeze, I realized I didn't have a ride home. I was planning to go home with Brett tonight. I wasn't ready to call for a ride though, and so I strode down the sidewalk away from L'Espalier.


I continued to walk for several minutes nearing Commonwealth Ave. My feet were beginning to cramp slightly in the four-inch heels. They were not meant for walking. I needed to find a place I could stop for a small rest.

The closer I got to Commonwealth Ave the noisier it got. I forgot there was a Red Sox game on tonight. It was only 9:30 PM so the bars were still packed. Finding a pub just off the main strip that seemed to be a little less hectic, I strode inside. I knew going in here that if Brett was looking for me, which he likely was based on the constant vibrating of my purse, he would never look for me in here.

A sports pub is one of the last places Brett would ever be caught in. He preferred to watch sports in one of his elite clubs. I hated that atmosphere. I'd prefer to watch sports from home instead of going there, if I couldn't physically be at the game or hanging out at a sports bar.

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