Chapter 11: Is she your girlfriend?

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"What's the Seaport?" I asked.

"Seriously? Have you been living under a rock? Everyone in Boston knows about the Seaport." I slightly frown at Danny's response.

"Shut up Dola... It's down at the Harbor... It's a nice place to walk around and check out some interesting art... The foods pretty fantastic too... What do you say?"

"I say when do we go? It sounds like fun!" Danny and Julian both smile at my response.

"Now!" They shout. I grab my small purse off the side table that holds my sunglasses, wallet and phone. Julian grabs his wallet, phone and keys. Then we all head out the door to Julian's car.


It didn't take long for them to arrive at the Seaport. Jules quickly found a place to park and we all jumped out quickly throwing our sunglasses on. Julian walked around to my side of the car and quickly took my hand in his. The three of us began strolling down the street.

"So what should we do first?" I asked the boys.

"Food?!" They both replied at the same time and high fived each other. I laughed and shook my head.

"Well food it is I guess... So where do you guys want to go to eat?"

"Barking Crab?" Danny suggested.

"Work for me." Julian replied. We began walking in the direction of the causal dining place.

As we approached the restaurant, I let out a little chuckle.

"It surely has an unusual name... Does a crab really bark?" I gave Julian a cute little side smirk.

"Who knows... The name doesn't matter, but the food is awesome..." Julian answered pulling me along with him following Danny as he checked in.

We were quickly brought to a table in a back corner, where we looked over our menus. I perused the menu for several minutes before looking up at Julian.

"So what do you recommend? I don't know where to start."

"I got you babe. No worries." He leaned over and quickly pecked my lips.

Between Julian and Danny, we had a crazy amount of food ordered. They ordered the barking crab cakes, a few cups of New England clam chowder, fried Rhode Island calamari, a lobster roll for each of us, and a couple fish tacos to share. Plus a couple of beers to wash everything down.

Julian suggested we save ordering lobsters and steamers for dinner one night, and just stick with quick dishes for our late lunch, since it was only around 1 PM.

As we were munching on our food, a group of 4 boys all appearing between the ages of 10 - 12, approached our table. I smiled at them quickly.

"Hi," I said giving them a little wave. "How can we help you?" I asked.

Julian and Danny were in the middle of a conversation about what makes a good taco and hadn't noticed the boys approach until I spoke up. They quickly turned their attention to the boys.

One of the slightly older looking boys, walked forward closer to talk to Julian and Danny.

"Hey Julian and Danny... We were wondering if we could get a picture with you guys?" He asked nervously.

"Sure bubs... Do you have a camera with you?" Julian asked as he and Danny stood up to walk over to the boys. The older boy held up a cell phone.

I quickly wiped my fingers on a napkin so I can take the picture for them. Danny and Julian walked over to the boys. They arranged themselves so the boys stood in the middle with Julian and Danny on each side. I took the camera the oldest boy handed me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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