Chapter 10: It's Nice To Meet You Danny

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"Julian... I think I'm falling for you..." I sighed out quietly no control over what I was saying nor knowing if he heard me, before I passed out in pleasure my head falling against his shoulder and my legs wrapped tightly around his body.


It didn't take long for me to come back to my senses to the feeling of Julian's light kisses on my lips. Julian helped me from the shower and we quickly dried off, before he guided me back to his room and to his bed.

"Why don't you lay down for a bit and rest? That was pretty intense. We can plan the rest of our day later. It's still pretty early in the day." He pulled the sheet up over my body and placed a soft kiss to my forehead.

"Aren't you going to lay down too?" I questioned seeing him walk towards the door.

"Nah, I'm fine baby... I'm going to make a protein shake and finish some laundry and stuff... You rest..." He gave me one of his sexy smirks which sent tingles down my body and walked out the door lightly closing it behind him. Within just a few moments I was asleep.


I slowly came awake to the sound of two voices, one I recognized as Julian, the other I wasn't sure. I looked over to the side to the table that rested on Julian's side of the bed and realize I'd slept for an hour and a half. It was now just after noon time. I needed to get up.

I walked over to my bag and quickly pulled out a pair of jean shorts and a white lacy shirt and a matching bra and panty set. I quickly pulled the clothes on. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and made my way into the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth.

I fluffed my hair a few times allowing the natural wave to take claim of my hair and made my way to the bedroom door

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I fluffed my hair a few times allowing the natural wave to take claim of my hair and made my way to the bedroom door.

I paused for a moment, upon hearing Julian's voice talking about me. I know snooping in wrong, but I was curious to see how he felt about me and what he would say to his friend.

" I don't know bubs... There's just something about this girl... I don't know what it is, but she makes me feel something more... I know it doesn't make sense, but I can't really describe it... I just... I don't know... I get this weird, but good feeling in my body when she smiles at me... And when she bites her lip... I freakin' lose it man... I have no control." I hear him sigh before the other male voice responds.

"Hey dude it's fine... I'm glad you found someone special... I think it's kind of fast... You only met like what 36 hours ago or something and she's already spending the weekend with you? Just seems strange to me... You sure she's not a gold-digger?" The other male voice continued on, but I couldn't listen any more.

I bit my knuckle at this as tears lightly welled in my eyes. This is what I was afraid of. That ever since he told me what his job was that he would think I was after him solely for who he was. It was 100% not true. I don't need his money. I have my own and my family is fairly wealthy as well. I don't care about being out in the media. Honestly, I would prefer not to be. I'm a very private person.

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