Chapter 7: I'm so sorry

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As I clicked submit on the final email, I looked up at the clock to document my hours. I realized it was 6:30 PM and I had't heard anything from Julian. I guess Ash was right, and I thought I was prepared to accept that, but a part of me was still in denial hoping she was wrong. I signed out of my computer with a sigh.

In my closet, I pulled out a pair of pajamas shorts with little lattes on them and a matching tank. Tossing my other clothes in a hamper I climbed into my sheets and played on my phone for a few minutes before drifting off to sleep within a few minutes. The late night was really catching up to me.


I awoke from a disturbed sleep in the dark to an insistent knocking on my door. I reached for my cell phone which had fallen on the bed beside me and glanced at the time. I had 3 missed calls from Julian and 6 text messages. I would look at them later.

"Who the fuck is knocking on my door at 9:00 at night..." I grumbled as I climbed out of bed. I strolled to the front door and peeked out the peep hole. It was Julian. He had his forehead leaning against my door and one of his arms reaching stretched over the top of the door frame, while his other continued to knock on my door. I unlatched the lock and pulled the door opened quickly. He almost stumbled into my apartment before he caught himself on the door frame.

"Julian?" I questioned with a frown on my face. "What are you doing here? It's 9 at night." He looked up at me with a frown.

"We had plans remember?" He looked up at me with a sad look.

"I... I thought you had changed your mind... You said 6 o'clock and when you weren't here by 6:30 and I hadn't heard from you I decided to crash early..." I shook my head in frustration.

"Can I come in? I'll explain everything... Please?" He stepped forward slightly and I opened the door further for him. I turned around and walked into my living room and plopped my butt on the couch. Julian shut and locked the door and sat beside me.

"I'm so sorry... I had every intention of being here by 6... But then Dola had a fight with his girlfriend Olivia again... I got wrapped up in that and didn't notice the time... I tried calling you as soon as I realize... But you didn't answer... So I've been here for about an hour knocking on your door... I mean... I could hear your phone dinging every time I texted you... And I didn't think you'd go out without it... I thought you were ignoring me... And I just wanted the chance to explain... And I really am sorry..." He sighed running his hands through his hair.

"Julian... It's fine..." I sighed. "You don't have anything you need to explain to me... You really didn't have to come over... I know you weren't looking to have a relationship with me... I have no expectations of you... We had some really great sex... Well I should say amazing sex... But that was all... I have no claims on you... And-" I mumbled until I was quickly cut off by the pressure of Julian's lips on mine. He pulled his lips away from mine and held the sides of my face in his hands keeping his eyes locked on mine.

"Hazel... I told you before that I'd really like to see where this goes... I'm not promising anything... But I really liked spending time with you... I want to get to know you better... And you're right... The sex was pretty amazing..." He punctuated with a quick kiss.

"I know... But I guess I still don't know what exactly it is you see in me... I know you said that we have a connection... I feel it too... But I... I just don't want you to feel like you have to see me again when it's not something you normally would do... We can leave it at a one night stand if you want... I can handle it..." I said looking down at the floor below me. Julian quickly stood up and stared down at the top of my head. I could feel the tension radiating off him.

"Did you fucking google me or something? Seriously! I didn't think you were like that Hazel... I thought you were different..." He grabbed at the back of his neck and began pacing around the room. This is definitely not what I was expecting. After what Ashlynn had said earlier I thought he would be relieved and leave. I needed to set things straight now before they became any worse.

"No Julian... I didn't google you... My best friend came over today... I just wanted to talk to her about what happened with Brett last night... Then the conversation turned to what happened between us... She was so disappointed in me... That I would sleep with some stranger... And I told her that you weren't a stranger... That we really connected and got to know each other... Before I realized it... I told her your name... She started spouting all this stuff... About you being the womanizer of the Patriots... That you were known for your one night stands... And that you have only been seen in relationships with supermodels... I'm the furthest thing from that... So when you didn't show up and didn't call I thought... Well maybe she's right... Maybe you didn't feel the same as I did... And maybe you didn't want me to feel bad about it when you dropped me off... So you made false plans with me that you never intended on keeping..." I whisper yelled, since I didn't want the neighbors to hear our conversation.

"And then you showed up here hours later... I didn't know what to make of that... I didn't know if you felt guilty about saying you would come here and then not come... I thought I'd give you the opportunity to back out." I finally looked up at him with watery eyes. He stood staring at me for a few moments more grinding his teeth before he let out a deep sigh and came to sit beside me again.

"Babe... I'm sorry for reacting like that... I've been in situations before with women using me just as much as I've used them in the past... I'm not proud of it, but it's a fact..." He reached over and held both of my hands in his.

"I see we have a lot to do to work on your self confidence... But please believe me when I say that I think you are beautiful... From everything I have learned about you so far... And I'd be honored if you'd allow me to spend more time with you... Time that we can both get to know each other better... Time we can see what this is between us... Neither of us is ready to put a label yet... If that's okay with you..." He gave me one of his endearing side smirks.

"Okay... I think I'd really like that... I agree I'm not ready for another relationship yet... But I really do like spending time with you... So let's go for it..." I leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his lips before pulling away.

"By the way..." I started. "Whose Dola?" I tilted my head slightly to the side in question. He let out a brief chuckle.

"Dola... Is Danny Amendola... He's my best friend... He's also my team mate on the Patriots... He's in a very volatile relationship with his girlfriend Olivia... I'll have to introduce you to him soon... I think he's going to like you very much... Now what do you say we just crash here tonight... Tomorrow we can head back to my place to hang out for the rest of the weekend..." He stood from the couch and waited for me.

"Sounds good... Let's go to bed..." I said as I stood. Julian lifted one of his eyebrows in a smirk. "Just to sleep... I'm exhausted still from last night..." I responded.

"I have no problem with that..." Julian said as he scooped me up in his arms and carried me to my bed. "I must say... I find your sleepwear very adorable..." He chuckled before removing his clothes leaving himself just in his boxers and climbed into bed beside me. As we slid under the covers, Julian pulled my back against his front and we spooned together until we feel into a deep sleep.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is a little short! Busy week... I will try to post another before the game tomorrow... Let's Go Patriots!

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