Chapter 8: In my professional opinion

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A/N: Hey Everyone! I hope you liked this chapter. I posted it a little later than I thought I was going to, and so it's not fully edited. I hope there aren't too many mistakes. Anyways, I'm hoping to get at least 1 or 2 chapters up by next weekend. After that I have a business trip. I will have about 13 hours worth of flights, so I'm hoping I'll be able to get some writing done and some sleeping too! It's a Patriot's by-week then too, so I won't be missing any games. Without further ado here's Chapter 8. Please remember to Vote & Comment! Let's Go Patriots! Get us some touchdowns Jules!!!

Last Chapter Re-Cap:

"Sounds good... Let's go to bed..." I said as I stood. Julian lifted one of his eyebrows in a smirk. "Just to sleep... I'm exhausted still from last night..." I responded.

"I have no problem with that..." Julian said as he scooped me up in his arms and carried me to my bed. "I must say... I find your sleepwear very adorable..." He chuckled before removing his clothes leaving himself just in his boxers and climbed into bed beside me. As we slid under the covers, Julian pulled my back against his front and we spooned together until we feel into a deep sleep.


The next morning, I woke to the sound of a crash followed by a "crap!" I flipped over onto my back and stretched out my body. I closed my eyes and let out a deep yawn.

"Hey baby..." Julian groaned as he climbed onto the bed and crawled on top of me. I popped my eyes open and smiled at him.

"Good Mornin'" I replied letting the arms I had stretched over my head come back down and fall on top of his bare shoulders. He leaned down and quickly pecked my lips. "What was that crashing noise I heard?" I questioned raising a brow.

"Oh... Uh... I may have dropped your toaster when I was making breakfast... I think it still works, but if not I'll replace it... I made you breakfast though..." He smiled.

"Oh yeah? Is it another smoothie? I know my equipment isn't quite to the standards of yours..." I giggled. Julian gave me a little smirk.

"No... It's not a smoothie... But in my professional opinion your equipment is just fine... Your blender on the other hand... Well..." I laughed in response to his comment and slapped the back of his shoulder, since my arms weren't long enough to reach his butt. "Don't worry though... I'll get you a better blender... So when we're here we can make smoothies together... This morning... I made omelets... So let's go..." He kissed my lips again before climbing off of me and pulling me up beside him. He then grabbed my hand before leading me to the island where he had the omelets set out alongside some juice.

After breakfast, we washed the dishes together. After each item Julian would dry he would wack me with the towel on my butt. He finished drying the last item and put it away in my cabinet. Just as he turned around to wack me again I aimed the water sprayer at him and shot him in the chest with a stream of cold water.He stared at me with a shocked look on his face before he snapped out of his stupor and came after me.

"Oh it's on now..." He stated as he ran towards me. Quickly I shut off the water and ran the opposite way around the island , but I was no match for his speed. He grabbed me just as I approached my bedroom and flung me over his shoulder before continuing running into my room. He thew us both onto the bed and proceeded to tickle me.

"Ju...Ju...Julian... Stop..." I giggled trying but failing to squirm out of his grasp.

"Are you ready to admit defeat?" He smiled at me pausing his tickling for a moment.

"No... Never..." I laughed. He lifted an eyebrow and smirked in challenge.

"Challenge accepted... I don't lose... I let people win..." He slid down my body and lifted the bottom of my tank top. He gave my belly button a gentle kiss relaxing me before he switched to blowing raspberries on my stomach throwing me into another fit of giggles.

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