TWO (Ruby P.O.V)

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"Explain me again why this is a good idea and why I let you talk me into it."

"Yes, cousin." The sweet voice of the young boy next to me echoes against the building walls while five hooded persons walk through the square. We move agile and fast as always, like we aren't touching the ground, and even if we all look the same due to our height, physical build and clothes, it's pretty clear that I'm the leader of this group and not only because I'm walking one step ahead but because under every one of my gestures there's a hint of power and authority. My cousin can't help bowing his head respectfully before talking again... none of them can. "Three months ago a new tavern opened in Sala and it has become the place to be soon..."

"Who the hell calls her tavern 'The Frisky Unicorn' if it's not to turn it into a brothel?" One of the hooded men behind us asks confused.

"Someone who has a wicked sense of humour, of course... keep talking..."

"Yes, cousin. This tavern is popular with classy people, not matter if they're legal merchants, traffickers or the owners of a gambling house but also with petty thieves and dock workers: it's not a seedy place, actually it's friendly and warm... as long as you behave properly and can pay for a glass of wine you'll be welcome. Prices are reasonable so you can find all kinds of people at the end of the night, they have music and customers sing too, waitresses know how to dance those oriental dances moving their hips nonstop, but everything is tasteful and people really have fun in there. Food is simple but delicious and there're a couple of good wine brands if you pay the prize of the bottle. The owner has become a valued person in this city despite she's been living here just for some months."

"I repeat, why should I care?" I ask with a bored voice.

"I know that someone as old as you have seen everything and done everything, I'm not expecting you to find something new and creative but... it's just that Ebla's pet heard about the tavern and he came with some friends last week: they had dinner, drank and sang, they really had a good time and they did it discreetly since they booked a private dining room. We just wanted to satisfy our curiosity and that's why we booked one too, it's been a long time since we left the palace for last time..."

"Like a hundred of years, why did you invite me?" My cousin fidgets a little but remains silent while we walk around the building heading to the backyard. I try not to roll my eyes and sigh in frustration. "Speak Ensi, I'm not punishing you."

"You're... lately..." I stop intrigued and there's a flash under my hood when I stare at my companion intently and the light coming through the window reflects on my eyes. "You're irascible, irritable, instead of talking to us you seem to bark your commands, people walks on tiptoes through the palace trying to not disturb you... things has gotten worse for the last ten years and some of your punishments have been...unnecessarily cruel and not proportional to the offence. They thought you needed a change, some amusement, whatever as long as it takes you out of that angry state... and they told me to do it because I'm your only close relative and they thought it'd would be difficult for you to bite my head off in a fit of anger."

"Who thought that?" I ask with a sharp tone of voice. This sounds suspiciously like my people is plotting against me and planning something behind my back.

"Everybody actually..."

"You're wrong..." Temperature plummets alarmingly around the group of people and an odd dark fog gets closer slowly, slithering along the ground menacingly, forcing my four companions to step back in fear.

"I'm sorry, my Queen..." my cousin bows his head again and waits for his painful punishment tensing his muscles and biting his lower lip. I take a deep breath and force my muscles to get relaxed: I need him alive and conscious if I want to find out who the hell dares to complain about my mood.

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