Land meets waves

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Naruto POV.  

I was in a luxurious sleep, not a sound was heard. I was asleep on my comfortable bed, cozied into my pillow and blankets. Until.......

'knock, knock, knock, knock'

Maybe if I ignore them they will go away and I can go back to sleep.

'knock, knock, knock, knock, knock'

What the hell! Can I not get 1 night of an undisturbed sleep and wake up to a beautiful morning. What do they want anyway, it's only,.... oh I don't know 5:00 in the freaking morning!!!!

I got up out of my bed even though it begged me to come back. Sorry bed, trust me I want to go back, but my team seems to want to wake me up to an ugly banshee bubblegum version of Princess peach.

I walked over and opened the door. I peaked my head in the crack and "What do you want, besides waking me up to the most beautiful team in the whole ninja mega verse, note my extreme sarcasm in every single word I speak." I say with an agitated term.

Kaka-baka said "The hokage has summed us for a mission." "Yeah NARUTO-BAKA!!why didn't you answer when I knocked the first time?!" screa- nope yelled the ugly banshee bubblegum version of Princess peach. "Oh, I don't know, maybe I was enjoying a Stroll in the mountains. Or maybe I was enjoying my sleep.You chose which one you think I was doing at 5:00 in the morning." I replied. "well anyway let's just go see what mission the hokage has for us." interrupts duck hair. "KIT YOU ATE BEING PRETTY SARCASTIC THIS MORNING." hey lazy furball, instead of sleeping 24/7, try waking up at 5:00 in the morning to a kaka-baka, a banshee, and a duck haired emo.' "GOOD POINT, GOOD POINT, BUT I'M GONNA STICK TO SLEEPING 24/7." whatever lazy furball.'

" okay let's go see what the hokage wants." I say unenthusiastically. I shun shunned to the hokages office while kakashi shun shunned himself with sakura and sasuke. "Hey  gramps, what mission do you have for us."  "You have a c- ranked mission and are heading out to the land of waves, while protecting the client who played for the mission." wait that means gato is there, which means that.  I smirk evily with a planned formed Inn mind. This is gonna be great!

"Bring him in." ordered the gramps to some anbu. Hey don't judge me,  just cause I'm the captain of anbu doesn't mean I remember all of their names. There is way too many, plus I'm too lazy and bad with names. Suddenly the smell of alcohol filled my nose and bad memories resurfaced in my mind. Unwanted ones that I blocked out a long time ago. In waked a man holding a sake bottle. His words were slurred and he walked like he had leg cramps. "Are these the brats guarding me. I played you good money and you give me a pink fan girl, an emo,  an emotionless scarecrow and a pipsqueak."  I walked over to him calmly and took the sake bottle in my hand and simply crushed it. I didn't care if hand was bloody and cut up. I hate sake. "I suggest that you don't drink that vile liquid around me ever again and remain sober at all times when near me."I say with a sinister tone. I see tazuna gulp with fear evident in his eyes. "...... Okay let's get going. " kakashi awkwardly interrupted.

A while after we left konoha I saw 2 puddles in the road. Stupid morons,  it has been months since it has last rained. Demon brothers are stupid and dumb. So I did what anybody would do. I jumped right in them with chakra in my feet. I know, I'm genius. And out came the demon brothers number 1 and number 2. The demon brother shredded 'kakashi' with his chains. Sakura screamed and sasuke, just stood there. I took out my twin katanas. People call them 'Bloody Death' cause people die a very gruesome death when my lovely babies come out to play. I slashed gozu across his face then chest, then I cut off mezus head in other words decapitated him. "Good job naruto, sakura you just stood there with no attention to the client, saddle good job protecting tazuna." wow he compliments the emo when he just stood there, probily because he is the 'last uchiha' mam screw that. We continued on our way until we got to a boat. There is now an im vetting on that death trap. Boats make me motion sick. So I instead walked on the water. I mastered water walking when I was 3. "when do we get to learn how to do that sensei?"asked sakura. "I don't know. That depends on how fast you learn what I teach you." when we arrived on land it was covered in mist. I heard something moving in the bush. I threw a Kuwait in that direction. Instead of a Peron it was a pure white rabbit. Wait it's the middle of summer witch means substitution jutsu. I heard a wish and me and kakashi both yelled "duck!" a huge sword swung over our heads and on the sword a wait for it your gonna love this..................... A man wearing cow pants AND he was standing the wrong way. I'm deing over here. "hahaha hahaha" "Hey kid stop laughing." "haha- how could I when your hahaha wearing cow pants and have no eyebrows."I'm gonna name you moo-moo." "I'm gonna kill you, you little pipsqueak."  "Try me moo-moo!" moo-moo lunged at me sword in hand ready to strick. Well I have missed the trill of the hunt. come on out my little "Bloody Death's" time to play.

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