The truth comes to light pt.1

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Naruto POV.

Its has been a week since the fight and since that fake hunter-nin took moo-moo. Sakura and sasuke have learned to climb trees. Now I know what your thinking yeah!!! They finally learned how to climb trees! But actually they already knew, shocker right. So they learned how to climb without hands which I mastered when I was 5. Thanks to kura-nii drilling me." No problem kit." 'Thanks so much.' I mutter. Yeah thanks so much to bringing me to the brink of starvation and very sore mussels. "What can I say kit. I'm great at what I do." 'I liked you better when you were asleep.'

Anyways back to where I was at. Its morning and kaka-baka, banshee, and sasgay headed to bridge wilm I was asleep. What don't blame me. A guy needs his beauty sleep. I mean would you look at this gorgeous face. "I'm waking up now though so don't scream and wake me up." I yelled. When I didn't hear a replay I used my hunter senses to see what was going on. Greaaaatt. There's 2 of Gatos men. I headed down the stairs and hid my chakra. I saw inari protecting his mom. Hey maybe that kids not all brat.

I used sunshin to appear behind the men. "Well,well,well."I drawed out. "If it isn't my to favorite boys.How have you been since the last time I saw gatou?" I asked. The 2 men slowly turned around."k-kitsune-sama!"they stuttered. "W-we didn't mean t-to hurt them we promise." They screamed."Now,now boys that's no way to start a conversation." I punctured there vital points In their neck and down they went like humpty dumpty."well that's that.Good job kid. You protected the ones you care for. That's more than I can say." "Hey kit you that's wasn't your fault you couldnt do anything. You were nailed onto a wall."" Kura I could have someway. I was just to weak.""kit just protect those you can protect now."" Thank you so much naruto-nii!" I blinked "naruto-nii?" I questioned."Do you not like it?"he started tearing up."n-no I love it. I've just never been called that before." Inari ran up and hugged me."well I have to go help my team ok. I'll be back. Take care of your mom." "Yes sir naruto-nii." With that I sunshinned to the bridge.

I made sure to hide my presence from everyone on the bridge. I watched as sasuke got trapped by the hunternins kekei genkai ( no idea how to spell that so help is highly excepted😅) and kakashi was up against moo-moo with his sharingan while sakura was protecting the old geezer. All in all great team effort but sasuke was  going to die at this rate. So I decided to pitch in without all the idiot yelling. It hurt my throat okay.

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